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Currently, many fertility clinics transfer two or more embryos per treatment to ensure the maximum chance of a successful implantation.

Currently, in the budget management of colleges and universities, there are some problems such as the misunderstandment, the imperfect establishment, the improper inspection and management on the budget performance, the incompatibility with the reform of 摘要目前,高校预算管理存在著认识不全面、编制不完整、预算执行监督和管理不到位及与政府推行的财政体制改革不适应等问题。
Currently, is the PLC from Siemens the only product that has PROFINET functionality? 目前是否只有西门子的PLC具有PROFINET功能?
Currently, it is important to handle properly the following six relations, namely, theoretical study and dependence on practice, historical study and the concern about the contemporary world, attention to the whole world and dependence on the realty of ou 必须正确处理理论研究与立足实践、研究历史与着眼当代、关注世界与立足国情、学术性与政治性、学术独立品格与社会性品格、理论创新与科学态度等六个关系。
Currently, it is replacing the traditional metal materials gas cylinders and widely used in fire fighting, chemical, mining, auto industries and other new &high-tech fields. 目前该气瓶正逐渐的取代传统金属材料的气瓶,广泛的应用于消防、化工、采矿、汽车工业及其它高新领域。
Currently, its research has been being developed on the level of gene, enzyme, cell and ecosystem. 目前这方面研究已从基因、酶、细胞和生态系水平上逐步展开。
Currently, many fertility clinics transfer two or more embryos per treatment to ensure the maximum chance of a successful implantation. 当前,许多不育诊所每次都移植2个或更多胚胎,以保证移植成功的最大机会。
Currently, millions of dollars are being spent in structural genomics efforts to determine the structures of proteins experimentally using X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). 如果可以通过计算来解决,将可以大量减少结构生物学研究的费用。
Currently, more and more Chinese citizens enjoy to “home gardon” in their apartments.They usually pour their plant by “tap water”.We know that it would be better for the growth of plant if we pour them by “rain water” or “river water” instead of “tap wate 当今的城市中,绿色植物已经成为家居美化中必不可少的因素,随着人们越来越崇尚“热爱绿色、回归自然”的生活方式,家庭园艺将会被更多的家庭所热衷,粗通园艺的人都知道,用雨水、河水浇花远胜于自来水,可是由于时间和居住条件所限,城市居民很难在下雨的时候收集足够的雨水储存起来用于家庭园艺,建议售卖园艺土等园艺用品的市场商户,能在雨雪天收集大量的雨水、雪水储存起来,卖给热爱养花的家庭,价廉物美,一方面可解决公寓楼中中长期用自来水浇花带来的不良问题,一方面给自己带来些收益,最重要的是:“涓涓细流,汇成江河”,如果这种设想
Currently, mostly Fugui Hongceramics are bought by groups for presenting as gifts. 目前,“富贵红”多为集团购买,作为馈赠礼品。
Currently, my department releases a series of product and is two motor cars, this release of product you perhaps will feel surprised, because compete in this profession of the vehemence be that everyone is obvious to all, so we why again choose this produ 目前,我司推出了又一系列产品两轮电动车,这一产品的推出你也许会感到意外,因为在这行业竞争的激烈是大家有目共睹的,那么我们为何又会选择这一产品作为我公司的新品呢?
Currently, my factory product sells as far as the United States, Western Europe, Middle east and etc. of Southeast Asia regions. 目前,我厂产品远销美国、西欧、中东及东南亚等国家和地区。

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