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Starting from the study of thinking creativity thermodynamics which is the controlling stage of thinking creativity process, this paper analyses systematically the obtaining of thinking creativity has to overcome certain potential barrier, during the thin

Starting from the late 1970s, chemical fertilizer was widely utilized across China. 从20世纪70年代起,中国开始广泛使用化学农药。
Starting from the legal responsibility of the registered accountant,this paper analyzes on the problems existing in the legal responsibility of the registered accountant at present and the reasons of these problems,and pus forward some measures for solvin 从注册会计师的法律责任入手,分析了当前注册会计师法律责任中存在的问题及其成因,给出解决注册会计师法律责任问题的措施。
Starting from the present situation of Chinese urban and rural land-use,this paper introduces the technical routine and research method of the research on the urban and rural land-use structure and allocation,and sums up and analyzes on its features and i 从我国城乡用地的现状出发,介绍了城乡用地结构与布局研究的技术路线及研究方法,并总结和分析了其特点和创新之处。
Starting from the problems in the management of state owned assets in university, this article makes a detailed analysis on the purchase, distribution, employment and loss of state owned assets, finds out the fundamental cause, and points out the approach 摘要本文从目前高校国有资产管理存在的问题入手,经过深入分析国有资产在购置、分配、使用、流失等方面的情况,找出产生问题的根本原因,指出在新形势下高校国有资产管理应采取的方法与对策,以使达到优化高校国有资产的资源配置,提高国有资产的管理效益的目的。
Starting from the significance of restorative justice, this article points out the necessity of establishing the concept of restorative justice and providing legal support for the construction of a harmonious society by means of putting the concept throug 摘要本文从恢复性司法的意义入手,提出要树立恢复性的司法理念,将其渗透到我国现行的刑法和刑诉法的立法与实践当中,为构建和谐社会提供司法支持。
Starting from the study of thinking creativity thermodynamics which is the controlling stage of thinking creativity process, this paper analyses systematically the obtaining of thinking creativity has to overcome certain potential barrier, during the thin 摘要从思维创新过程的控制阶段思维创新热力学研究入手,系统地分析了思考过程取得创新成果必须克服一定的势垒,才能完成创新思维成果。
Starting from the teaching experience of analytical chemistry, this paper gave a discussion of its reforms on course system, textbooks construction, teaching contents, teaching methods and teaching means, which has obtained a better effect. 从分析化学的教学实践出发,对分析化学的课程体系、教材建设、教学内容、教学方法、教学手段等方面的改革进行了探讨,取得了较好的效果。
Starting from the theory of integration of anthropology, this paper tries to seek different effective methods, to reevaluate the past projects so as to achieve inter-disciplinary cooperative studies between public health and anthropology and to transform 为此拟将“小姐”群体看作是“做为文化的组织”加以考察,以及从人类学的整体论为出发点,寻找有效的不同的防治与应用办法,重新评估以往的项目内容构成,以及实现跨学科的公共卫生-人类学合作研究,从而改变较为单纯的科学防治与救助的途径。
Starting from the top of your head visualize your crown chakra opening. 从头顶开始想象你头顶脉轮开启。
Starting from the travel reservations to a super bazaar, computers are used for all activities. 大到车船票的预定,小到商场的购物,都在使用电脑。
Starting from the unification of consumers and producers the new classical economics school constructed a new international trade endogenization system. 摘要新兴古典经济学派从消费者与生产者的统一出发,构建了贸易产生的内生化新体系。

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