In 1997, a student flash flood turned a peaceful canyon into a raging torrent of deadly whitewater.
在1997年,一场突发的洪水将原本平静的峡谷化为白浪滔滔的狂流。 |
In 1997, a suddent flash flood turned a peaceful canyon into a raging torrent of deadly whitewater.
在1997年,一场突发的洪水将原本平静的峡谷化为白浪滔滔的狂流。 |
In 1997, an explosion of undetermined origin killed a passenger who was blown out of a TAM Fokker 100 during flight.
1997年,该公司的另一架福克尔100在飞行途中爆炸,导致一名乘客在被甩出飞机后身亡,而爆炸原因至今尚未查明。 |
In 1997, he transfered to Yichuan High School,a key school in Putuo District and the traditional track-and-field school. He studied and train there.
1997年,转入普陀区重点中学、上海市田径传统学校——宜川中学,一边读书,一边训练。 |
In 1997, our company successfully developed chemical method chlorine dioxide disinfector generator series products, and won the state invention patent.
1997年,我公司成功开发了化学法二氧化氯消毒剂发生器系列产品,并取得了国家发明专利。 |
In 1997, she landed her big break in “Ally McBeal”.
而真正使刘玉玲成名的还要算是1997年的影片《甜心俏佳人》。 |
In 1997, the European Union started funding the project.
1997年,欧盟开始资助该计划。 |
In 1997, we hold the first national English debating competition.
在1997年,我们举办了第一届全国英语辩论赛. |
In 1997,Xilong Mountain was approved as provincial natural reserve.
西隆山2000年被列入国家级自然保护区。 |
In 1997,the Civil Engineering Department completed the Sok Kwu Wan pier and Gemini Point pier.
年内,土木工程署完成了索罟湾码头和双仙角码头的建筑工程。 |
In 1997-98, property-related revenue, including stamp duties, property taxes, rates, profits tax on the banking and property sectors and land premiums, was 40 per cent of total government revenue.
1997至1998年度,政府的地产相关收入共占政府总收入的40%,其中包括印花税、地产税、地方税、银行业和地产领域利得税,以及土地溢价。 |