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But they built a huge monument of heavy stones.

But they are too few in number; at the beginning of the 21st century, they are a dying race. 但是他们是在太少了;在21世纪初,他们成了一个垂死的种族。
But they are unlikely to shrug off a 10% plunge within one year, particularly since America's homeowners have become used to their housing wealth rising by well over 5% a year. 但如果在一年里房价下跌10%的话,他们就可能坐不住了,特别是因为美国的房主已经习惯了每年他们的房产有超过5%增值。
But they are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and enjoy meeting new people, having guests and bringing people together formally or informally. 但是这些美国人通常主动、友好、坦率,喜欢结识人,欢迎客人来访,愿意召集正式的或非正式的聚会。
But they are your people, your inheritance that you brought out by your great power and your outstretched arm. 29其实他们是你的百姓、你的产业、是你用大能、和伸出来的膀臂领出来的。
But they aren't the only ones waging a constant fight against the flab. 然而,她们并不是这场“减肥持久战”的唯一“战士”。
But they built a huge monument of heavy stones. 但是他们建造了巨大的石头纪念碑。
But they can keep an essential margin of non-conformity alive. 但是他们可以保持某种基本的不一致性。
But they cannot agree on a common approach to the developer that wants to knock down their buildings and, reportedly, to build them new ones, as well as luxury-apartment blocks. 开发商要推倒他们的住房,据说接着建豪华的新住宅区,但是居民们并没有对开发商的做法达成一致意见。
But they cannot get away from their own miserable egos long enough to hear me. 但是他们无法超越自我的範畴来聆听。
But they carried no weapons because this was a meeting truce. 但是他们都没拿武器因为这是一场停战协议.
But they continued to shout, saying, Crucify, crucify Him! 21无奈他们一直喊着说,钉祂十字架!钉祂十字架!

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