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[KEY] What is ironical is that although an adult should never completely lose the light of his childhood imagination, sooner or later we have to knuckle down to reality.

[KEY] It is presumptuous to judge his popularity according to the sales of his albums. (例子)根据唱片的销量来推断出他的知名度是武断的。
[KEY] It is said that many young romantics stubbornly attempt to live out the fantasy images of T.V. soap opera and romantic comedies. (例子)据说许多年轻的浪漫者固执地试图按照电视肥皂剧与浪漫喜剧中的梦幻般的形式与生活。
[KEY] Many of the world's religions share a belief that when a person is able to look at and confess his or her problems that person can begin to travel the road to emotional recovery. (例子)世界上的许多宗教都认为当一个人能够注视与反思自己的问题,那么此人就能够开始回复自己的情绪。
[KEY] The resolution to this dilemma rests on the assumption that it is better to attempt to help an injured person—albeit with insufficient medical knowledge—than to do nothing and leave the injured person to nature. (例子)解决这个困境的方案是基于以下假设,尽管凭着不充分的医疗知识,但是尝试救助一个病员总好过袖手旁观,任其自生自灭。
[KEY] The same is true of a certain type of people who desperately seeks to win at games just because he or she despairs at life. (例子)这同样适合于那种在游戏中穷凶极恶地追求胜利的人,因为他们对生活失去希望。
[KEY] What is ironical is that although an adult should never completely lose the light of his childhood imagination, sooner or later we have to knuckle down to reality. (例子)讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命。
[KEY] What is more, we are married to the science, for better or for worse. (例子)再者,我们依恋于科学,不管是好是坏。
[KEY] While I thought that games provide a way to bond friendships and to relax, I often see a friendship broken up because of a player who considered winning to be more important than camaraderie. (例子)尽管我认为游戏提供了一种联结友谊与放松的途径,但是我常看到一段友谊的破裂是因为一个选手认为赢得游戏远比同志情谊重要。
[KEY] Without regard to those graduate's unwillingness to ask questions which put their research into context, the whole tragedy might never have happened. (例子)若那些研究生愿意就他们付诸实现的研究提出问题,整个悲剧就从来不会发生过。
[KJV] A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. 诡诈的天平是耶和华所厌恶的,准确的法码是他所喜悦的。
[KJV] A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth. 在馈送的人看来,贿赂有如灵符(“灵符”原文作“恩惠宝石”);无论他到哪里,都必顺利。

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