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Here, infective endocarditis on the mitral valve has spread into the septum all the way to the tricuspid valve, producing a fistula.

Here, houses are decorated with colorful lanterns, and yuanxiao, a sweet or savoury fried or boiled dumpling made of glutinous rice flour is eaten. 到了灯节,人们用彩色灯笼装饰房间,并且吃一种甜美可口的用粘米粉制成的炸或者是煮的面团——“元宵”。
Here, how do you pre-treat (prepare) the steel plates? 在这里,你们怎样对钢板进行预处理?
Here, hundreds of feet up, the redwood's massive limbs are fused into flying buttresses and carved by forest fires into blackened chambers called “fire caves”. 在这里,几百英尺高的地方,红木粗大的树枝熔铸成飞拱,在森林大火中被塑造成幽黑密室“出火坑”。
Here, in central Kansas, a tornado touch down. 画面上,龙卷风在堪萨斯州中部地区登陆。
Here, in the popular rising against a tyrannicalgovernment, the fruits were more than the securing of a freer constitution. 这里,反对暴政的民众起义的成果不仅是获得一个包含更多自由的宪法,还包括了一个依照人民的意愿诞生在自由中的国家的成长。
Here, infective endocarditis on the mitral valve has spread into the septum all the way to the tricuspid valve, producing a fistula. 二尖瓣的感染性心内膜炎已蔓延到三尖瓣的隔膜、并穿孔。
Here, inflammatory cells (the bluish infiltrates) extend from mucosa through submucosa and muscularis and appear as nodular infiltrates on the serosal surface with pale granulomatous centers. 炎细胞(兰色浸润)从黏膜层到黏膜下层、肌层均有浸润,在浆膜表面苍白的肉芽肿中心出现结节性浸润。
Here, it flows over boards thickly coated with grease. 在冲洗桌上,压碎的岩石从涂着厚厚油脂的板子上流过。
Here, let you come in personally for the Water-Sprinkling Festival of carnival specially for visitor organizes the rich and colorful campaign of the Dai nationality of folk custom, the wedding ceremony of the Dai nationality , lose bale and performance na 这里专门为客人组织丰富多彩的傣族民俗活动,让你亲临狂欢的泼水节,傣族婚礼仪式、丢包、表演民族舞蹈等,让你也当一次傣家“卜哨”(小姑娘),“卜冒”(小伙子)。
Here, look at this screen and see where the land is. 在这里,注视这一个萤幕而且见到土地在哪里。
Here, more normal glands are seen at the left, but the glands at the right demonstrate dysplasia, the first indication that there is a move towards neoplasia. 左侧可见很多正常腺体,但是右侧腺体明显异常,是第一个恶变的标志。

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