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He lifted the mat and slid the key under (it).

He lifted a pail of water from the ground. 他把一桶水从地上提了起来。
He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet. 他搬起石头结果砸到了自己的脚。
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. 2他从祸坑里、从淤泥中、把我拉上来、使我的脚立在磐石上、使我脚步稳当。
He lifted out the topmost two letters, and though he knew what he would see, he read them over again. 他拿起最上面的2封信,虽然他已经知道里面写的是什么,但还是从头到尾又读了一遍。
He lifted the child and sat (ie seated) her on the wall. 他把小孩举起来,让她坐在墙上.
He lifted the mat and slid the key under (it). 他掀起垫子把钥匙悄悄放在下面.
He lifted up his little son, and mounted him on the horse. 他把小儿子举起来,让他骑在马背上。
He lifts Jenny onto his shoulders, carying her to the backstage. 他把珍妮扛起来,来到后台。)
He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he whistles for those at the ends of the earth. Here they come, swiftly and speedily! 26他必竖立大旗,招远方的国民,发丝声叫他们从地极而来。看哪,他们必急速奔来。
He light up a cigar, and then read the newspaper. 他点燃了一支雪茄然后读报。
He lighted from his horse. 他从马上落下。

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