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In a shallow bowl, combine jalape?o slices with 1/4 cup each of the lime juice and olive oil.

In a series of studies presented at this weekend`s 4th Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, doctors suggested different strategies for combating pancreatic cancer, including a noel accine that appears to extend surial in those pancreatic-cancer patients wh 本周末第4期胃肠肿瘤专题研讨会很多研究中,医生们提出,胰腺癌有多种不同治疗策略,包括最新研制的疫苗来延长胰腺癌患者术后生命。
In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last. 在一系列三个或以上的名词以单一个连接词连结时,除了最后一个名词外,每个名词之后需以逗号分隔。
In a sermony in the reinstated Hagia Sophia the Czar is crowned - Czar of All Slavs. 在恢复的圣索非亚大教堂(最有名的东正教教堂,被奥斯曼人变成了清真寺)中沙皇得到加冕,成为全斯拉夫人的沙皇。
In a severe winter, wild animals can die from/of lack of food. 在严冬,野生动物可能会因食物不足而死。
In a severe winter,wild animals can die from lack of food. 在严寒的冬季,野生动物会因缺少食物而死掉。
In a shallow bowl, combine jalape?o slices with 1/4 cup each of the lime juice and olive oil. 取一只浅碗,放入墨西哥胡椒片、1/4杯酸橙汁和1/4杯的橄榄油,搅拌。
In a short period of time he grew into a great communist fighter. 在很短时期中,他成长为一名伟大的共产产义战士。
In a short period, Bill Gates, the president of Microsoft Company becomes the richest person in the world. 在很短的时间内,微软公司的总裁比尔.盖茨成为世界上最富有的人。
In a short run, if the enterprise ability has much difference, reducing transaction cost leads to specialized production of the firms locating on the value chain; if the enterprise capability scatters homogeneously, reducing transaction cost does not affe 短期中,如果企业能力有很大的差异,交易成本降低,位于价值链中上下游的企业将趋于专业化生产;如果企业能力均匀分布,交易成本降低,对专业化生产没有影响。
In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. 不一会儿我就忙着调拌起了黄油和面粉,很快我的手上就沾满了粘粘的面糊。
In a short time around Jeter, Mientkiewicz already understands the essence of what makes him succeed. 即使是短暂的和帅帅队长相处,长名字先生己经可以了解是什麽样的人格特质使得我们队长如此成功。

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