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Her teeth were white and even.

Her team will speak for the affirmative. 她所在的队伍将作为正方辩护
Her tearful family came to pay their last respects. 她全家含泪前来向死者告别。
Her tears -fied her grief. 她的眼泪显示她的悲伤。
Her tears flowed freely (down her cheeks). 她眼泪止不住地(顺著面颊)往下流.
Her tears rolling down and on-switched camera captured the very moment. 她哭了,没有关掉的摄像机记录下了这一切。
Her teeth were white and even. 她的牙齿洁白而整齐。
Her teeth, as her thirties wore on, gave her trouble, and the orthodontics and periodontics specialists she regularly consulted had their offices in the nearby middle-sized city, in a tall building across from the one in which Les worked as an investment 三十好几之后,牙齿开始找她的麻烦;她经常去咨询的正牙专家和牙周病专家的办公室就处在附近的那座中型城市,他们办公的那栋高楼正好座落在他担任投资顾问上班的那幢大楼对面。
Her temper was magnanimous, but warm and sudden; her spirit altogether unbending. 她的脾气宽宏大量,而同时又热情激烈;她的性格是宁折不弯的。
Her temperature continued to rise. 她的温度持续上升。
Her temperature has gone down. 她的体温已经降下来了。
Her temperature peaked at 37.8 deg C. 她的最高体温为37.8℃。

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