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In assigning a registered trademark, the trademark registrant must perform the procedures for all its identical or similar trademarks registered for the same kind of goods or similar goods.

In ascension, this tone allows the hidden karma and patterns to surface for cleansing. 在提升中,这一音调允许被隐藏的业力与模式浮现到表面来净化。
In ascension, you becomes conscious of the unconscious. 在提升中,你从无意识转变成有意识。
In ascension, you shorten the delay in time. 在提升中,你缩短了时间中的延迟。
In aspect of quantity-reducing for realizing municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal, incineration method is the most rapid and most effective one, and its application is increasingly wide. 摘要焚烧法因在实现垃圾处理减量化方面最快捷、最有效而得到越来越广泛的应用。
In assembler programming, one or more operation represented by a combination of terms and paired parentheses. 汇编程序设计中,用项和括号对的组合所代表的一个或多个操作。
In assigning a registered trademark, the trademark registrant must perform the procedures for all its identical or similar trademarks registered for the same kind of goods or similar goods. 转让注册商标的,商标注册人对其在同一种或者类似的商品上注册的相同或者近似的商标,必须一并办理。
In at least one instance, a researcher predicts that global warming will extirpate one species from an entire region within 15 years. 至少有一例,是研究者预测全球暖化在未来15年内将把某一物种完全铲除。
In athletics, women's triple jump helped to build a vigorous and graceful shape most. 在田径项目中,女子三级跳远最有助于塑造健美的形体。
In atomic absorption spectrophotometry, the calibration curve is always required. 摘要原子吸收光谱法进行样品测定时,必须制作校准曲线。
In attempt to improve the recognition of this clinical entity, we discuss the histopathology, clinical course, surgical management and prognosis. 黏液性癌可发生在内在器官部位,并转移至皮肤。
In attendance were about 500 relatives of the victims. 大约有500名遇难者的家属出席。

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