Representative powers include clairaudience/clairvoyance, object reading, precognition, and ubiquitous vision. |
中文意思: 该系典型异能包括“锐耳术/鹰眼术”、“阅读物体”、“预知术”和“全域视野”。 |
Represent power, status, and wealth.
象征着权力、地位和财富。 |
Representation of depth and solidity in painting, drawing, or photography.
立体感在油画、素描和摄影中表现深度和实体感 |
Representation of town and country, and North and South was unfair.
城镇和农村,北方和南方的代表权极不平等。 |
Representative characteristics of the funeral music are: utilitarian, policy leading, popularization and development with economics.
考察丧葬音乐的发展,大致有以下特征:1.功利性,2.政策的导向性,3.通俗化,4.随着经济的发展渐趋发展。 |
Representative offices hereof referred to in these rules are both representative offices and general representative offices established by foreign insurance institutions within Chinese territory for the purpose of conducting such non-operational activitie
本办法所称代表机构,是指外国保险机构在中国境内获准设立并从事联络、市场调查等非经营性活动的代表处、总代表处。 |
Representative powers include clairaudience/clairvoyance, object reading, precognition, and ubiquitous vision.
该系典型异能包括“锐耳术/鹰眼术”、“阅读物体”、“预知术”和“全域视野”。 |
Representative powers include concussion, matter agitation, and matter manipulation.
该系典型异能包括“冲击波”、“物质激灼”和“物质改造”。 |
Representative powers include the various astral construct powers, create food and water, ectoplasmic shambler, and wall of ectoplasm.
该系典型异能包括各种“星质构装体”异能、“造粮术”、“星质蔓生怪”、“星质墙”。 |
Representative projects include : integrated, Zhejiang Provincial Finance Department, Dongyang electricity Building, Jinhua municipal buildings, radio and television building in Wenzhou, Yiwu Telecommunications Building, Beijing New Century Hotel, Beijing
代表性工程有:浙江省财政厅综合楼、东阳电力大厦、金华市府大楼、温州广电大厦、义乌电信大楼、北京新世纪饭店、北京国际俱乐部扩建工程、杭州东方通信大楼(部分)、杭州铁路新客站(部分)、杭州游泳健身中心、嘉兴市行政中心、萧山经济技术开发区综合服务大楼等。 |
Representatives for Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn have confirmed that the Hollywood couple has called it quits.
珍妮弗·安妮斯顿和文斯·沃恩的发言人日前证实,这对好莱坞情侣已宣布分手。 |
Representatives from 37 members took part in the dialogue.
来自37个成员国的代表参加了此次对话。 |