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When we saw the storm clouds gathering we put about and sailed back to our port.

When we rejoice in our fullness, when we can part with our fruits with joy. 当我们在我们的充实中感到快乐时,我们便能愉快地放弃我们的果实.
When we rejoice in our fullness,then we can part? with our fruits with joy. 当我们在我们的充实中感到快乐时,我们便能愉快地放弃我们的果实.
When we rejoice in our fulness, then we can part with our fruits with joy. 当我们以我们的充实为乐时,那末,我们便能很快乐地跟我们的果实分手了。
When we rename a file or folder, the parent folder is being modified. 当我们重命名一个目录里面的文件,父目录也都被修改了。
When we resumed our journey and a fresh breeze began to blow, she was wide awake. 船再次开动爽风拂面的时候,她机警地醒了过来。
When we saw the storm clouds gathering we put about and sailed back to our port. 当我们看乌云密布时,便改变方向,驶回港口。
When we say I wish you enough, we want the other persons to have a life filled with enough good things to sustain them. 我们对人们说知足常乐,尽享人生,就是希望对方的生活里充满幸事,支撑他们走下去。”
When we say the Ancient City, we think of Kyoto. 我们所说的古城,是指位于日本本州岛中西部的“京都”。
When we say “Service Above Self,” it is another way of saying that we are prepared to love and share with those who travel on this planet with us. 当我们说”超我服务”加一种说法就是,我们准备去爱及分享与我们共同生活于地球上的人。
When we see a film of hand-drawn cartoons, the cartoon people and animals appear to move. 当我们观看手绘的卡通电影时,卡通人物和动物似乎动起来了。
When we see a red traffic light, we must stop. 当我们看到红灯,必须停下来。

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