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Can you see how all these aspects of Bible teaching make sense when we draw them together?

Can you scrape up enough money for a holiday? 你能凑够了钱去度假吗?
Can you scrounge up some new furniture? 你能弄到一些新家具吗?
Can you see I am having a hard time making up stupid placeholder text here? 你是否看到了我用大量时间所虚构出的愚蠢的占位符文字?
Can you see Maria dancing on the podium over there? She's really going for it tonight! 你看没看到在台上跳舞的玛丽亚?她今晚跳得真是尽兴的。
Can you see any clues in the design layout (look at the illustrations and lettering i.e. font styles)? 你能看清文章的排版的什么线索吗(依据图表、字型,如字体样式)?
Can you see how all these aspects of Bible teaching make sense when we draw them together? 我们把圣经每个方面的教训放到一起能得出什么意义呢?
Can you see in the picture? 你能看出图画里有什么异常之物吗?
Can you see in the zoo? 在动物园里你能看到多少只熊猫?
Can you see me standing on the verge of blue? 当我在寂寞的边缘徘徊时你可否一直看著我?
Can you see that basket of apples and pears under the table? 你能看见桌下那篮苹果和梨吗?
Can you see that ship on the horizon? 你看得到地平线上的那艘船吗?

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