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(The term complementary and alternative medicine(CAM) encompasses a wide array of health care practices, products, and therapies that are distinct from practices, products, and therapies used in conventionalor allopathicmedicine.

(The review condition should be record into “new product contract review form” or “normal product contract / order review form” and sign for approval, review demurral should be coordinate by technology, if necessary, arbitrament by general manager assista 评审情况应记录在“新产品合同评审表”或“常规产品合同/订单评审表”内并签字认可,评审异议由技术部协调,必要时由总裁助理/总裁裁决。
(The review should be recorded into “new product contract review form” or “normal product contract / order review form” and signed for approval, review demurral should be coordinated by technology department, if necessary, arbitrated by chairman assistant 评审情况应记录在“新产品合同评审表”或“常规产品合同/订单评审表”内并签字认可,评审异议由技术部协调,必要时由总裁助理/总裁裁决。
(The riches we impart are the only wealth we shall always retain. 与他人分享的财富,是唯一留得住的财富。
(The study drawing through memory, train student's understanding of life in the form of painting, improve their image thinking ability and sensitiveness not finding life . 通过记忆画的学习,培养学生以绘画形式对生活的认识,提高他们的形象思维能力和发现生活没的敏感性。
(The team development of the Longrun Tea industry, in its essence, is to constantly improve and recast the Longrun people, to help them form an aggressive and struggling team, a team with high efficiency in the execution of strategic decision and a team w 龙润茶业的团队建设,实际上是把龙润人不断的进行塑造,塑造成一个具有进取拼搏的团队,塑造成一个具有高度执行力的团队,塑造成一个能征善战的团队。
(The term complementary and alternative medicine(CAM) encompasses a wide array of health care practices, products, and therapies that are distinct from practices, products, and therapies used in conventionalor allopathicmedicine. 文件中只有两处提到中医,都是和印度草医放一块的,翻译如下:“‘补充与另类医学’一词涵盖许多种医疗实践、产品和疗法,它们与‘常规’或‘对抗疗法’医学的实践、产品和疗法有显著的差异。
(The use of a single school language which is not the child's home language. This is sometimes called an immersion programme. 学校完全使用一种非学生母语的第二语言进行教学。这种模式称之为:沉浸型教学模式。
(The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators. 天风海涛永远站在最能干的航海家那边。
(They shake hands. Mi Wang pa es a busine card to Mr.Cohen. (王小姐与高汉先生握手并递名片给他。)
(They shake hands. Miss Wang passes a business card to Mr.Cohen. (王小姐与高汉先生握手并递名片给他。)
(This is )A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower . (这是一种)照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来就不会唐突的取代后面的那种欲望,后者是我们可以将其部分的理解为一个兼任小说加和科学家的人想要去准确并具体的记录下一朵花的结构和文理的那种意义上的欲望。

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