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Don't just stand around wringing your hands. Do something.

Don't just enjoy the fruits, the wine is incredibly silky!! 不要单单欣赏其果味,当中的柔滑也很值得留意!!
Don't just have PC's in your Internet corners, have a MAC as well. 在酒店网吧,除了PC机,还应能提供苹果电脑。
Don't just idle away your precious time; settle down to some reading or something. 不要把大好时光浪费掉,坐下来读点书或做点别的什么事儿。
Don't just make a living, design a life. 不要只是谋生计,多点设计自己生命。
Don't just skip new words. 当阅读时,不要略过生字。
Don't just stand around wringing your hands. Do something. 不要老站在那里发愁,想点办法吧。
Don't just stick a whole picture on the poster. 不要把整张图片贴上去。
Don't just take language classes and backpack around Europe at a furious pace; immerse yourself in a culture. Pick a place and stay there for several months. 不要只是参加语言学习班,并且背包游玩欧洲各地。你应该使自己沉浸在一种文化里。选择一个地方,并在那里呆上几个月。
Don't just take someone's word for it when you're told something about security. 当你被告知一些与安全相关的东东时不要立即相信。
Don't just tell us fixed bug 1234. 不要告诉人们“修改了1234号错误”。
Don't just type minor change. 不要只是输入“次要变更”。

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