A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
11一句话说得合宜,就如金苹果在银网子里。 |
A word for word translation combined with a wonderful literary translation helps you to do exactly what you need to do.
逐字翻译并配上完整的译文,可以帮助你做到你需要做的事。 |
A word game in which a player or team must find and express a rhyme for a word or line presented by the opposing player or team.
对韵游戏一种文字游戏,一人或一队说出一词或一句,对手必须对以同韵的词或句 |
A word generally used in front of a verb or an adjective to express time, degree, scope, repetition, negation, possibility or tone of speech, etc. is called an adverb.
修饰动词、形容词,表示动作、行为、发展变化,性质状态的程度,范围,时间,频率,然否、语气或情貌的词叫副词。 |
A word in season might have saved Paterson from his own folly.
要是有人及时劝说,佩特森就不会干出这蠢事了。 |
A word is enough to the wise.
智者不用多告诫. |
A word of advice, don't make the mistake I made last semester and wait until after the midterm exam to do it.
给你个建议,别重蹈我上学期的覆辙,等过了期中考试再说吧。 |
A word of caution to all designers out there - what is pleasurable to you as a designer may not be appealing to the visitors.
这里要给所有的设计是一个忠告——你认为好的东西,访问者不一定赞同。 |
A word of caution; do not allow these to hinder your work.
值得提醒的是:别让规则妨碍你的工作。 |
A word of praise from the teacher will have great effect on pupils.
来自教师的一句赞扬会对学生产生很大的影响。 |
A word or form in the dative case.
与格单词,与格形式 |