The Dead Sea or the Salt Sea 400 meters below sea level is the lowest area on earth below sea level.
死海或盐海在水平线下400公尺,它是地球上最低的地方。 |
The Dead Sea, the lowest point on the earth's surface1, is shrinking2 as its salty waters rapidly dry up.
地球表面最低点「死海」,随著其咸水快速乾涸,正日益缩小。 |
The Deadline is March 29th, 2006.
截稿日期:3月29日。 |
The Dealer Sales Manager has full responsibility for the sales volumes of new and used coaches as well as spare parts and related soft services through authorized dealers and sales agents on mainland China.
代理商销售管理经理全权负责授权的中国大陆代理商和销售代理进行的新车和旧车以及备件的销量和相关的软件服务。 |
The Death Eater gets his wand first and takes his mask off.
食死徒首先拿到他的魔杖并且脱掉了他的面罩。 |
The Death Eaters are those wizards who follow Voldemort.
食死徒是追随伏地魔的那些巫师。 |
The Death of a Princess: Codifying Classical Family Ethics in Early Medieval China, in Sherry Mou ed., Presence and Presentation: Women in the Chinese Literati Tradition (New York: St .
杰出女性、性别与历史研究,收入王雅各主编,《性属关系》下册「性别与文化、再现」(台北:心理出版社,1999),页1-16。 |
The December 2004 tsunami sent waves up to 5m high surging over the Maldives.
2004年12月的海啸带着高达5米的海浪冲击了马尔代夫。 |
The December issue of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource offers five self-care strategies that can help you feel better and reduce the risk of recurrence.
12月份的梅奥诊所女性健康杂志提供了自我保健方法,可帮助你缓解症状,减小复发风险。 |
The Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Constitution of the United States (1787) were both signed in this building in Philadelphia.
独立大厅位于费城的市中心,是举世闻名的文化遗址,1776年在这里签署了《独立宣言》,1787年《美利坚合众国宪法》也是在这里通过的。 |
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
10人民与公民权利宣言。 |