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The patrol leader drew one of his swords in a flash and approached the master.

The patriot's voice trembled from the fervo(u)r of his emotion. 这位爱国者由于感情激昂而声音发抖。
The patriotic and enthusiastic has a lot of elastic plastics domestically and fantastically, too. 爱国而又热情的评论家还有许多弹性的塑料品在家中,充满了想象。
The patriots fought under the banner of freedom. 爱国者在自由的旗帜下战斗。
The patrol boat was ordered to stand by the sinking ship. 巡逻艇奉命留在那快要沉没的船只附近,以便进行救助。
The patrol car inched down the empty street and I turned cautiously toward Elgie. 巡逻车在空荡荡的街道上慢慢前行。我小心谨慎地转向埃尔吉。
The patrol leader drew one of his swords in a flash and approached the master. 巡逻队队长一瞬间拔出他的一柄剑逼近教师。
The patrol police on duty are on the alert against any possible disturbances. 值班巡警处于戒备状态,随时准备应付任何可能发生的骚乱。”
The patrol was almost surrounded and then,at the eleventh hour, reinforcements arrived. 这支巡逻队几乎被包围了,正在危急之际,援军赶到了。
The patrol was changed at midnight. 在午夜巡逻人员会更换。
The patrol was waylaid by bandits. 巡逻队遭到土匪伏击.
The patron looks on with a surly air. 等东西全装上出租车,车里就只坐得下一个人了。

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