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On the other hand, however, his rejection of all traditional morals in disseminating and applying the evolution theory reflects his oversimplified viewpoints and his own limitations.

On the other hand, he throws with both power and command, he is only 26, his record in Japan was beyond question, and he was named the Most Valuable Player of the inaugural World Baseball Classic after leading Japan to victory in the tournament. 在其他方面,他的投球很有威力、控球能力也很好,他只有26岁,他在日本的纪录是毫无疑问的,他也是带领日本队获得世界棒球经典赛冠军的最有价值球员。
On the other hand, his monotheistic concept of God has attracted the attention of modern historians of religion, who have speculated on the connections between his teaching and Judaism and Christianity. 在另一方面,他的一神论概念已经受到现代宗教历史学家所注意,已经推测到他的教导与犹太教和基督教的联系。
On the other hand, hormones can cause worrisome side effects. 然而,荷尔蒙也会造成麻烦的副作用。
On the other hand, hospital casualty departments throughout the country are having to close down because of the lack of doctors. 另一方面,因为医生的紧缺,全国各地大量一员的急症部被迫关门。
On the other hand, host-based AV programs are relatively inexpensive and simple to deploy on small networks. 另一方面,基于主机的反病毒程序在小型网络中部署时比较便宜、简单。
On the other hand, however, his rejection of all traditional morals in disseminating and applying the evolution theory reflects his oversimplified viewpoints and his own limitations. 但他在传播与运用进化论学说时,对传统道德一概拒斥所表现出的简单化倾向,又暴露出了其局限性。
On the other hand, however, it may slow down the boot up procedure. 然而在另一方面,它会让启动过程变慢.
On the other hand, however, peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue under the principle of “One China” would bring no detriment to US interests, but would rather promote them. 在“一个中国”的原则下,和平解决台湾问题,不仅不会损害美国的利益,而且还会增进美国的利益。
On the other hand, if I had dealt treacherously with his life (there is nothing hidden from the king), you would have set yourself against me. 13我若妄为不忠,害了他的性命,就是你自己也必与我为敌,因为无论何事都瞒不过王。
On the other hand, if it slows down after the throttle is closed, the engine is rich. 另一方面,如果它转速慢慢降低,引擎是富油的。
On the other hand, if just 0.06% of healthy Americans aged between 19 and 65 parted with one kidney, the country would have no waiting list. 另一方面,只要年龄在19岁至45岁的健康美国人中,仅有0.06%的人捐出一只肾脏,全国就不会再有排队等肾问题。

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