True, the rapid growth is taxing the district's capacity and stirring lots of complaints, but many other urban school districts would love to have too many rich white kids.
当然,学生的快速增长加重了该地区的负担,引发了不少抱怨,但许多其他的城市学区可是希望有钱的白人小孩越多越好。 |
True, there have been mistakes, but this is hardly avoidable, because we lack experience.
例句:至于错误,确实有,这也是难免的,因为我们缺少经验。 |
True, this battle ground may seem a little extreme for the groups to which you belong - but if you look beneath the veil of civility at the seething sarcasm, invective and innuendo, perhaps the picture come more into focus.
是的,你所在的这个团队看上去是有点偏激,但是你能够通过这些激烈的挖苦,漫骂和讽刺发现积极的一面,整个团队的轮廓逐渐清晰起来。 |
True, to change a custom is not easy.
确实,要改变一种风俗习惯并不容易。 |
True,the child was malnourished but that could not explain certain findings in relation to the CS, namely engorged neck eins. massie cardiomegaly,muffled heart sounds and pulsus paradoxus.
当然,该患儿是存在营养不良,但不能很好的解释心衰(颈静脉怒张、心脏扩大、心音低钝及奇脉)。 |
True-false or multiple choice and matching are easier for me.
对错题、多选题、联线题对我更容易. |
True. That popping sound was your head exploding.
正确。如果你的下巴掉下来,大概是因为太惊讶了。 |
True. The stadium's new fake grass is made from recycled sneakers. I learned this listening to sports talk radio.
正确。这个运动场的新人工草皮是用回收的运动鞋再生制成的。我是从体育广播上听来的。 |
True? I wanted to know how to strike back. What did truth have to do with it?
真的还是假的?我想要知道的是如何进行反击。这和真假有什么关系? |
Truer models of outbreaks must capture the probability of disease transmission from one person to another, which means simulating not only the properties of the disease and the health of each individual but also detailed interactions between every pair of
更逼真的模型应把疾病从甲传给乙的机率也考量进去,这意味著研究者要模拟的,除了疾病的特性与个人的健康状况之外,还要详细追踪每两个人之间的互动情形。 |
True, it's not as expensive as Bill Gates's $60 million digs, but around Austin it takes a major effort at conspicuous consumption to spend even $22 million.
事实上,虽然这并不象比尔·盖茨价值六千万美元的寓所那么昂贵,但在奥斯汀附近,将近二千二百万美元的大笔花费确实需要人下定很大的决心。 |