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The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive .

The cost of the trial swallowed up all their savings. 诉讼费用耗光了他们的全部积蓄.
The cost of the wedding can be viewed as an outgrowth of the dowry custom. 婚礼的费用可被看作是嫁妆习俗的产物。
The cost of this article includes packaging. 这种物品的价格已包含了包装费。
The cost of this hat was $100. 这顶帽的成本为100元。
The cost of this laser printer is so expensive. 这台激光打印机的价格太高了。
The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive . 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
The cost of wisdom is contradiction, also is a joke made by life to the philosophy. 智慧的代价是矛盾,也是人生对人生观开的玩笑.
The cost principle is derived, in large part, from the principle of objectivity. 成本原则主要是在客观性原则的基础上发展而来的。
The cost to attend NYU online depends on how many classes a student takes. 上NYU在线课程花费取决与学生选多少课。
The cost was close to $1 million. 成本接近一百万美元。

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