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She say with a straight face she see green spacemen in the back yard.

She saw this man linked to a power that would later be called The Thule Society and The New World Order - groups that have secretly controlled humanity since the beginning of time. 她看见这个人连接一个力量,就是后来称之的极北之地社会和新的世界秩序的力量-从时间开端以来一直秘密地控制人类的团体。
She saw this power gain a foothold at the beginning of the 21st Century. 在21世纪开始她看见这力量获得了长足发展。
She saw us on the subway. 在地铁站她见到我们了
She saw us on the subway. 她在地铁看到我们。
She say her prayers, her heart full of love and tenderness. 她祷告着,心中充满了爱与温柔。
She say with a straight face she see green spacemen in the back yard. 她面无表情地说她在后院看到绿色外星人。
She says a dialect,not received standard English. 她说一口方言,不是标准英语.
She says back to him, “what does that have to do with me? 恩在生气地回答:那干我什么事啊?!
She says he should be prosecuted and put to death. 她说,萨达姆应该被审判和处死。
She says he used to swim competitively as well, but his doctor advised him to refrain from the sport after he had bypass surgery recently. 她说他原先游泳游得很不错的,只是最近做了剑鞘手术医生建议他不要运动。
She says health is priceless, and I agree, but then I look so slim at the moment. 她说健康是无价的,我同意她的说法,但是我现在看起来非常苗条。

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