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Individualize advice on food/meals to match needs, preferences, and culture.

Individualistic education has a deep influence on a country's development. 个性化教育对提高一个国家的国际竞争力存在深远影响。
Individualistic education is a hot topic which is put forward on the basis of realizing educational effects fully. 摘要个性化教育是在充分认识教育效果基础上所提出的一个热点话题。
Individuality couldn't be developed. It could only be overthrown. 个性不能被张扬,只能被打倒。
Individuality is an important part of the symphony. 每个人都是交响乐中重要的一部分。
Individuality. Great in everything except Police Line Ups. 有形。都是好的,除非它会是使警方热线更忙。
Individualize advice on food/meals to match needs, preferences, and culture. 根据每个人的具体需要,代谢参数和文化来提供个体化的饮食建议。
Individually the children are delightful; en masse they can be unbearable. 孩子们单独时还讨人喜欢, 一多了就受不了了.
Individually the children are delightful; en masse they can be unbearable. 孩子们单独时还讨人喜欢,一多了就受不了了.
Individually, the children are quite nice, but in a group they badly behave. 这些孩子单独呆著时都挺不错,可是聚在一起就没规没矩了。
Individually, their brief scenes aren't bothersome, but, collectively, they pile up as dead weight - especially in the fourhour part one. 从个体上看,他们短暂的舞台场景并非无趣,但是,整齐上看,他们像一堆沉重的负担,尤其是在第一部的四个小时里。
Individuals - People from nearly every country publish pages on the Web, representing a wide variety of views and languages. 个人--几乎所有国家的人都在网络上发布网页,体现着各种各样的观点和语言。

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