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Eventually, the winds lessened and the Captain was able to set his sights towards America and become ably steering the ship on an even course.

Eventually, the diplomats hope, Iran, in an increasingly tight spot, will reach for both as its ladder to climb down on. 最后,这位外交官确信,在这日益紧迫的关头,伊朗会拿两者来做台阶下台。
Eventually, the end user unplugs your device. 最后,最终于户拔掉你的设备。
Eventually, the humans found the bridge across the Bering Sea, about 2,000 years before the hyenas themselves, along with many other larger animals, died out. 最后,在鬣狗和许多大型动物灭绝前2,000年左右的时间,人们发现了横穿白令海峡的桥。
Eventually, the shipyards created a competition amongst themselves for speed in building a Liberty Ship. 于是各个船厂拼命提高自由轮产量的竞赛开始了。
Eventually, the thunderstorm stopped and we saw a beautiful rainbow in the clouds. 最终,雷暴停了,我们看到了云层中美丽的彩虹。
Eventually, the winds lessened and the Captain was able to set his sights towards America and become ably steering the ship on an even course. 终于风浪减弱了,船长能够看准美国的方向,成功地驾船工行驶在平静的航线上。
Eventually, the years-long loan was paid back to the bank with interest, Ludwig owned the ship entirely. 若干年之后,洛维洛连本带息还清了这笔贷款,拥有了这首船。
Eventually, these books will build up into a fine library. 最终,这些书集聚成为一间很好的藏书室。
Eventually, unable to bear the constriction of family life, he left home. 他不能忍受家庭生活的那种被勒著的感觉,最后他离开了家。
Eventually, using her telekinetic powers, Jean was a founding member of Xavier's team of mutant trainees the X-Men as Marvel Girl. 其后只能使用简单心灵控制能力的琴,成为了查威尔教授的学校中变种人候补队中的一员——神奇女孩。
Eventually, you need to start refuelling. 到最后,你还得重新去加油的。

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