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When the integral equition method is applied to calculate the inductive magnetic field of the main deck model of a vessel, we use equivalent susceptibility to make the steel divisions under the deck into several solid steel units, so that the computation

When the information in the light-encoded filaments was scattered, there was no burning of the libraries-it was simply that all of the books were torn off the shelves and left in the center of the room. 当在光编码细丝里信息是分散的时候,图书馆没有燃烧-只是所有的书从书架上散落下来而且离开了房间中心。
When the inner life of love is renewed from day to day we shall feel compelled to work for souls. 当我们里面爱的生命天天被更新的时候,我们就要觉得被一个力量所催迫,而去为着灵魂工作。
When the inner spiritual force is raised to the third eye(the pituitary gland) the individual becomes a magnet. 当内在精神力量提升至“第三只眼”(脑垂体)时,个人就会成为一块磁铁。
When the input scheme is decided for the script, the keyboard layout may be designed. 决定文字使用的输入方式后,就可以设计键盘布局。
When the instructions of compensation for the tool radius are put to use flexibly, it can simplify NC program and assure the quality of the part that is made on the NC milling machine. 摘要介绍在数控铣床上灵活使用刀具半径补偿指令,可使数控编程简单化,保证被加工零件的质量。
When the integral equition method is applied to calculate the inductive magnetic field of the main deck model of a vessel, we use equivalent susceptibility to make the steel divisions under the deck into several solid steel units, so that the computation 摘要利用积分方程法计算舰船主甲板模型的感应磁场时,将甲板下的钢质网格部分应用等效磁化率的概念使其化解成爲数不多的钢质实心体单元,从而使计算时剖分单元大爲减少,计算速度提高。
When the interaction length or gain coefficient is changed, the SBS threshold is changed, and the intensity value of optical limiting is altered. 当改变相互作用长度或者介质增益系数,即可以改变受激布里渊散射的产生阈值,进而改变输出脉冲空间限幅的幅值。
When the interrupt service routine exits, control of the processor is returned to whatever part of the software was divviously running. 当中断服务程序退出,对处理器的控制权转到先前运行的那个软件上。
When the interrupt service routine exits, control of the processor is returned to whatever part of the software was previously running. 当中断服务程序退出,对处理器的控制权转到先前运行的那个软件上。
When the interviewee is describing a problem. At such times, the analyst's restatement communicates that the interviewee's problem has been heard and understood. 访谈者描述一个问题时。这时,需求分析人员的复述表明听见并理解了访谈者的问题。
When the introductions are over, the bride tells Pinkerton that she comes from a once rich family that later met with ill-fortune, whereupon she was forced to earn a living as a geisha. 见面介绍已毕,新娘告诉平克顿她娘家原颇富有,后来遭到不幸变故,于是她被迫当艺妓为生。

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