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The money the miser hoards will do him no good.

The money problem is easier to remedy. 金钱问题比较容易解决。
The money such credit card companies would expend trying to collect the debt would equal the karma owed and would balance itself out in due course. 在这样的情况下,这类信用卡公司用来讨债的费用将等于所欠的业力,并将自我平衡。
The money that is paid, both by households and by other firms, in exchange for products and services flows back against the direction of the arrows in the diagram. 家庭和其它企业为换取产品和劳务所支付的货币流回到企业,货币是朝着与图中箭头相反的方向流动。
The money that men make lives after them. 人们赚的钱在他们身后存在.
The money that my great-uncle left us was certainly a windfall. 我的大叔叔留给我们的钱无疑是天上掉下来的馅饼。
The money the miser hoards will do him no good. 守财奴积财,对自己毫无好处。
The money was frozen in 2005, after the United States alleged the Banco Delta Asia in Macao was tied to money laundering by North Korea. 美国指称澳门汇业银行跟朝鲜的洗钱活动有牵连,这笔资金2005年被冻结。
The money was given to us by deed of covenant. 这笔钱是根据契约书付给我们的。
The money was kept in the bank's vault. 钱放在银行的保险库里。
The money was large, round, and flat. 那种钱很大,很圆,而且很平。
The money was lent to us with no strings attached. 这些钱借给我们是无附带任何条件的。

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