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Compared with Muluntau gold deposit from background of geotectonics, wall rocks, features of ore bodies, mineral components of ore, features of alterations, and fluid inclusion, saerbulake gold deposit is typical of Muluntau type.

Compared with Finite Element Method, this method is more convenient and there does not exist any accumulative error, and easily to simulate environmental temperature change. 相对通常使用的有限单元法,计算更加灵活并不存在时段累积误差,对环境温度波动的模拟也更加方便。
Compared with France, Britain in the 1790s already had a bigger manufacturing base, a higher income per head and hence a tax base wide enough to pay for 22 years of conflict that led to the emperor's Waterloo. 与法国相比,18世纪90年代的英国已经有一个更大的生产基地,更高的人均收入,因此英国具有庞大的税收基础足以用来最终导致拿破仑滑铁卢溃败的长达22年冲突的开支。
Compared with Huaqiao University Basketball Team, the other three teams have some obvious weaknesses on the shooting percentage of hits, penalty shot percentage of hits, the attack ability, etc. 结果显示,华侨大学队的比赛能力优势明显,其他3支球队在投篮命中率、罚球命中率和进攻能力等方面与华侨大学队存在明显差距。
Compared with July, when it peaked at $78.40 a barrel, he is right. 和七月相比,那时一桶石油高达78.4美元,他是正确的。
Compared with Lehua manganese deposit in Pingxiang-Leping faulted basin, which is a sedimentary hydrothermal superimposed type, both orebodies are different obviously in orebody scale, ore type and tenor of manganese etc. , it should be a deposit with dif 并与萍一乐断陷盆地内的沉积加热液叠改型乐华锰矿床进行了对比分析,二者在矿体规模、矿石类型、锰品位等方面存在显著差别,应属不同成因类型的矿床。
Compared with Muluntau gold deposit from background of geotectonics, wall rocks, features of ore bodies, mineral components of ore, features of alterations, and fluid inclusion, saerbulake gold deposit is typical of Muluntau type. 摘要从大地构造背景、赋矿田岩、矿体特征、矿石物质组分、蚀变特征和流体包裹体等几方面,将萨尔布拉克金矿和穆龙套金矿进行了对比,二者有着相近的地质特征,提出萨尔布拉克金矿属于穆龙套型。
Compared with NCAA, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which has been in existence for 63 years, the CUBA is still very much in its infancy. 同享有63年历史的美国高校体育协会相比,中国大学生篮协刚刚起步。
Compared with Russia, China seems a little less keen on militarising the SCO, and more queasy about Iran's role as an “observer” of the group. 同俄罗斯相比,中国似乎并不那么希望“上合组织”军事化,并对伊朗成为该组织的“观察员”国态度谨慎。
Compared with a common central AC System, the water source &Heat pump AC System needs neither cooling room, boiler room, AC machine room nor big-size ventilation duct and the water pipe system without temperature keeping will also reduce the material cost 与一般的中央空调系统相比,水源热泵空调系统无需考虑制冷房,锅炉房,空调机房,也不需设大的通风管道:无保温的水管系统减少了材料费。
Compared with a delta wing aircraft, the double-delta wing configuration has better aerodynamic performance at high angles of attack.An operational analysis was introduced as a method for evaluating training effectiveness of trainer aircraft.Approaches to 双三角翼气动布局比三角翼飞机具有更好的大攻角空气动力特性.引入了评估教练机训练效能的作战分析法,研究了双三角机翼布局飞机空气动力特性的工程计算途径以及飞机性能指标的确定方法.以训练效能作为目标函数并选取机翼平面形状的几何参数为设计变量,采用多变量数值寻优方法,在战术技术指标及相关几何约束条件下,对某高级教练机的双三角机翼气动布局方案进行了优化选择.算例表明最优方案不仅比原准方案具有更高的训练效能,还改善了结构的受力情况,与工程实践吻合.
Compared with a quite ordinary star, like the sun, the earth is small indeed. 与一个很普通恒星如太阳相比较,地球的确很小。

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