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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich telling graduates to carry on Falwell's spirit by confronting radical secularism.

Former England international Robbie Fowler has agreed to join Cardiff City. 前英格兰国脚罗比福勒已经同意加盟加的夫城队了。
Former England skipper Beckham has been in such hot form for Real Madrid that he could well take his 94-cap total beyond 100 after the summer. 英格兰前队长贝克汉姆维皇马有上佳表现,很有可能夏天过后把自己为国家队出场的记录从现在的94次提高到100次。
Former Environmental Protection Agency administrator Christine Whitman testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington of the United States, June 25, 2007. 6月25日,在美国首都华盛顿,美国前环保局长惠特曼在听证会上作证。
Former FBI deputy director Mark Felt confessed that he was the Watergate scandal's Deep Throat. 美国前联邦调查局副局长费尔特坦承自己就是水门案丑闻的「深喉咙」。
Former House Speaker NG told ABC's “This Week” program that calls from Britain and Australia to toughen U.S. gun laws will have little impact on the gun control debate. 前白宫发言人NG在ABC电视台的“当周”节目中称来自英国和澳大利亚对加强美国枪支法律管理的呼声对枪支管制辩论的影响很小。
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich telling graduates to carry on Falwell's spirit by confronting radical secularism. 前众议院长纽特·金瑞契更是鼓励学生们继承杰瑞·法维尔的精神,勇敢对抗激进的世俗主义。
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told ABC's This Week that calls from Britain and Australia to toughen U.S. gun laws will have little impact on the gun control debate. 前众议院发言人NewtGingrich在美国广播公司的“这一周”节目中表示,英国和澳大利亚呼吁美国加强枪支管理,不会对枪管理的辩论产生多大影响。
Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein testifies during his trial on genocide charges at the fortified Green Zone in Baghdad September 12, 2006. 2006年9月12日,巴格达,伊拉克前领导人萨达姆在有关他的种族屠杀审讯中出庭作证。
Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein looks on during the third day of his trial, for genocide against Kurds in the 1980s, in Baghdad August 23, 2006. 2006年8月23日,伊拉克前领导人萨达姆在巴格达第3天出庭,接受针对他于上世纪80年代在库尔德大屠杀的审讯。
Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein testifies during his genocide trial in Baghdad September 26, 2006. 2006年9月26日,巴格达,伊拉克前领导人萨达姆在有关他的种族屠杀审讯中出庭作证。
Former Israel manager Grant was appointed as Chelsea's new director of football late last week. 前以色列教练在上周被指派为切尔西的新足球主管。

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