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Character: crystal powder, it likes white or grey ,asepsis ,odorless, and can dissolve in muriatic acid , nitric acid .

Character sequences are written like this: “To specify a wildcard, use the ‘%’ character. 字符系列被写成::“要指定一个通配符,使用'%'字符”。
Character sheet UI now displays more precise melee, ranged, and spell stats. 玩家人物信息现在显示更加准确的近战、远程和法术状态。
Character: High intensity, light weight, slightly flexible and stainless, high precision of transmission. 主要性能:强度高,重量轻,设计尺寸合理,传动精度高,适合专业运动员及自行车运动爱好者使用。
Character: The tan powdery pellet and the colorless transparent watery solution,has the special fetid odor slightly. 性状:本品为近似澄清的粘性液体、稍具特异臭味。
Character: This for the tan coherent liquid, has the special fetid odor slightly. This has the water absorbability, the absorption carbon dioxide emits the amine fetid odor. 性状:本品为黄褐色的粘性液体、稍具特异臭味。本品有吸湿性,吸收二氧化碳放出胺臭味。
Character: crystal powder, it likes white or grey ,asepsis ,odorless, and can dissolve in muriatic acid , nitric acid . 性状:结晶粉末,呈白色或灰白色,无毒、无臭、能溶于盐酸、硝酸。
Characterised by offensive boldness; and displaying ostentatiously an insolence or impertinence air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste. 怀著大胆冒犯他人的性格,而自我招摇地显示出一股自夸自大无礼的行为.
Characteristic : Shape of rose, specific design, jewelry could be stored in the corolla. There are many sparkle grains inlet on the petal would give the flickering effect. 特色:玫瑰花形,款式独特,可放首饰在花球内,花瓣镶有多粒闪石,闪闪生辉,手工精致。
Characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism is the unusually large segment of the population actively engaged in religious pursuits (up until the Chinese communist takeover of the country in the 1950s an estimated one-quarter of the inhabitants were members of rel 藏传佛教的特征就是很多部分的人口积极地忙碌于宗教追求(中国共产党1950年接管西藏的时候,估计有四分之一居民是僧侣成员),有“喇嘛转世”的体制;传统上是精神与当时暂时的行政权威和达赖喇嘛合并在一起;大量数目的神职人员(每一个都有各自的家庭,配偶,有平静和可怕的面貌),被认为是笃信地诡辩象征性地描绘着精神生活,被普通人承认为真实。
Characteristic of a wasp. 黄蜂似的具有黄蜂特征的
Characteristic of or appropriate to this sex; masculine. 男性的具有上述性别之特点的或适合于这种性别的

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