Hopefully for Gordon's young Bulls, that intensity will be stronger than whatever aggressiveness and/or physicality the Heat bring with them to their white-splashed home stadium later this week.
希望这支年轻的公牛真的能像戈登所说的那样,保持他们的战斗力,并不断提升它;不管在热火主场,他们将迎来的是侵略性的还是对抗性的还是这两者兼具的熊熊烈火。 |
Hopefully he stays injury free till the end of the season.
希望他直到赛季末都不会再有伤病。 |
Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others.
对他的惩罚有希望能起到杀一儆百的作用。 |
Hopefully our football team will win.
希望我们的足球队会赢。 |
Hopefully our teacher wont ask me to read mine.
希望老师不会叫我朗读我的报告。 |
Hopefully some price range, info and soundclips.
希望能看到价格,信息和音质。 |
Hopefully the XML schema can be established soon.
希望这份格式能尽快发布。 |
Hopefully they made me a better person.
但也使我成为更好的人。 |
Hopefully they will win one or two gold medals this time.
他们这次有希望得一两块金牌。 |
Hopefully this document will save you that time as well!
希望这个文档同样可以给你省下时间。 |
Hopefully this doesn't need much elaboration. In general the more planning, and thumbnails, acting, brainstorming etc you can do, the stronger your animation will be.
相信这一点不需要赘述。做之前就应该尽量多设计细节,表演动作,创意等等,总之,计划做的越周密详尽,你的动画就越完美。 |