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At this level of abstraction key design issues include gross-level decompositional components, protocols of interaction between those components, global system properties (such as throughout and latency), and life-cycle issues (such as maintainability, ex

At this great car banquet, NEEZA, a concept car based on Shanghai Volkswagen (SVW)’s technology and experience of over 20 years, struck its first stage world-wide. 在这次盛会上,上海大众集20余年技术和经验推出的全球首发概念车NEEZA首度公开亮相。
At this important historical juncture on the eve of the new century, we should approach and handle our bilateral relations from a long-rang strategic perspective and forge a Chinese-ASEAN good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust orientated toward the 2 我们正处在世纪之交的重要时刻,应该以长远的战略眼光审视和处理双方关系,建立中国与东盟面向二十一世纪的睦邻互信伙伴关系。
At this important historical juncture on the eve of the new century, we should approach and handle our bilateral relations from a long-range strategic perspective and forge a Chinese-ASEAN good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust oriented to the 21st c 例15.我们正处在世纪之交的重要历史时刻,应该以长远的战略眼光审视和处理双方关系,建立中国与东盟面向二十一世纪的睦邻互信伙伴关系。
At this key moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, I'm very happy to extend New Year greetings to Chinese people of various ethnic groups, including our compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as all overseas Chinese people 在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,向全国各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞和澳门特别行政区同胞,向台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国的朋友们,致以新年的祝贺!
At this level it was worth only 36% of average hourly earnings for all employees. 这一水平仅相当于所有雇员平均每小时工资的36%。
At this level of abstraction key design issues include gross-level decompositional components, protocols of interaction between those components, global system properties (such as throughout and latency), and life-cycle issues (such as maintainability, ex 在该抽象层次的关键设计决策包括全局组件分解,这些组件之间交互的协议,全局系统属性(比如一贯和间歇),生命期相关(比如可维护性,重用扩展和平台独立性)。
At this level, you can safely assume that you have learnt one of the tricks of time management that will ensure that your work gets finished on time and is far better in quality that it used to be earlier. 在这一级别,你可以确实假定你已经学会时间管理的一个诀窍,它将使你的工作不仅按时完成,而且在质量上比之前更好。
At this meeting we have welcomed Cambodia and Nepal as the first least-developed countries to accede to the WTO since its establishment. 在此次会议上,柬埔寨和尼泊尔成为自WTO建立以来首批加入的最不发达成员,对此我们表示欢迎。
At this meeting we surveyed a range of such substances, their putative roles in age-related diseases and the possible benefits of their removal. 在这次会议上,我们通览了一系列这样的物质,它们在关龄疾病中可能的作用,以及把它们除去的可能的利益。
At this meeting, which lasted forty days, the delegates formally founded the Shansi-Hopei-Shantung-Honan Border Region government and drew up a basic program. 会议开了四十天,代表们在会上正式成立了晋冀鲁豫边区政府,制定了基本纲领。
At this moment of changing situations, Taiwan, which is separate from China, will be able to wield an even more positive influence. 与中国分离的台湾值此变局时,将更能发挥正面的影响。

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