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This olive branch, extended to the Arab states and by implication to teh PPalestinians, was rejected by them because it included, of course, the acceptance and recognition of the State of Israel and its right to exist.

This old statue shows the hand of a good sculptor . 这尊古老的雕像显示了一位优秀雕刻家的手艺。
This old table is a valuable piece of furniture. 这张旧桌子是一件很珍贵的家具。
This old truck is still in use. 这辆旧卡车还在被使用。
This old woman in Washington D.C. with the “smile” sign in the window was the closest neighbor to Congress, which had condemned her to a pension 40% below the official poerty line. 翻译:她的房子窗口上放着个写着“微笑”的牌子,这个华盛顿特区的老女人,她是国会最近的邻居,但是国会却让她只拿到了养老金的40%,这远低于政府发布的贫穷最低线。
This old woman in Washington D.C. with the “smile” sign in the window was the closest neighbor to Congress, which had condemned her to a pension 40% below the official poverty line. 翻译:她的房子窗口上放着个写着“微笑”的牌子,这个华盛顿特区的老女人,她是国会最近的邻居,但是国会却让她只拿到了养老金的40%,这远低于政府发布的贫穷最低线。
This olive branch, extended to the Arab states and by implication to teh PPalestinians, was rejected by them because it included, of course, the acceptance and recognition of the State of Israel and its right to exist. 以色列向阿拉伯各国伸出并隐射巴勒斯坦的“橄榄枝”遭到了阿拉伯世界的拒绝,因为要想获得这一“橄榄枝”,就必须接受和承认以色列国家及其权利的存在。
This once had huge clout, articulating the feelings of Poles alienated by the country's brisk, materialist business culture and the decay in moral norms. 波兰的商业文化使得曾经强大一时的教会精神影响远离,道德沦丧。
This one cannot compare with that one. 这个与那个无法比较。
This one dealt craftily with our race and mistreated our fathers, so that they threw out their babies in order that they would not be kept alive. 19他用诡计待我们的宗族,苦害我们的祖宗,叫他们丢弃婴孩,使婴孩不能存活。
This one doesn't match the suit in color. 这个与我衣服的颜色不配。
This one easily goes with other items. 这件衣服很容易搭配其它衣服。

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