Sums up the achievements acquired in realizing unified pricing for urban and rural power supply, including new development of reform of rural power system, obvious effects of rural power net upgrade, and farther abatement of peasants burden caused by usin
总结了黑龙江省一年来在“两改一同价”工作中所做的工作(农电体制改革新进展;农网改造效果明显;进一步减轻了农民用电负担),部署了2000年的工作,明确统一思想,坚定信心,踏实工作,努力全面完成“两改一同价”的历史任务,开创农电工作新局面。 |
Sun Cargo Inc.(shortened form: SCI) of the head Company base in Hong Kong.
广州市盛大国际航运代理有限公司(简称盛大)总部设立在香港。 |
Sun Ce: Come forth! I'll send you straight to hell!
孙策:“你们来吧!我就打发你们到地狱吧!” |
Sun December 17th Terry is unfit, so Boulahrouz plays, but not well.
12月17日周日,特里不能够出场,博拉鲁斯首发,但博拉表现的并不好。 |
Sun Fung Metal Manufactory is an experienced manufacturer of metal buttons, handbag accessories and other metal products.
新丰金属制品厂为一间从事制造各类金属钮扣、手袋配件及其他金属产品的制造商。 |
Sun Hung Kai Financial - the seller of the derivative - receives a previously agreed basis point spread over HIBOR, the local risk-free lending rate.
新鸿基金融--此款衍生品的卖家--将根据之前协议,得到高于香港银行同业拆息(HIBOR,香港本地无风险贷款利率)协定基点的利差。 |
Sun J,Xu W B.Parameter selection of quantum-behayed particle swarm optimization[C].ICNC 2005,LNCS 3612.
刘华蓥,林玉娥.求解约束优化问题的改进粒子群算法[J].大庆石油学院学报,2005,29(4):74-75. |
Sun Ji and Sun Xiang also passed on some good news to Zhou - Shenhua football school had waived the tuition fee.
吉祥兄弟还为他带来了一个好消息:申花足球学校决定免费录取他。 |
Sun Li regards true as literature's life.
摘要孙犁把“真”当做文学的生命。 |
Sun Liang had no relative and no friends.
孙良没有亲戚朋友。 |
Sun Microsystem's telecommuting program, for example, has kicked into high gear in response to Generation Y's demands.
史密斯相信,在很多个案中,对一个老爱换工作的年轻人,最好的去处应该就是勤业公司另一个部门。 |