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As shocking as it was to be cupped out of the blue, I find it impossible to walk in fully aware of what's to come.

As she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick one. 她很挑剔,用了很长时间才选好了一顶。
As she watched the waves suddenly begin to recede, and the sea was bubbling,she warned her mother, Penny, that the beach was about to be struck by a tsunami. 当她看到海浪突然后退,海水不停的冒泡时,她马上告诉妈妈佩尼,海啸要来了。
As she went along she began calculating what she would buy after she had sold the milk. 她一边走路,一边考虑着她卖完牛奶后,应该买些什么东西。
As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. 她越是鼓励他,他的反应越快。
As she's been ill perhaps she'll need some help. 她由於生病可能需要些帮助。
As shocking as it was to be cupped out of the blue, I find it impossible to walk in fully aware of what's to come. 对又青又紫的情形仍心有余悸,在充分了解会发生什么的情况下我很难再选择这种治疗方式了。
As shopping-mall-style chips continue to sprawl outward, for example, it becomes increasingly hard to keep the photolithographic image in focus at the edges. 而且连接到远处的导线太长,会导致讯号延迟,因而减低了晶片的效能及复杂的功能。
As shown in Example 8-2, we now have conditional statements that initialize the creature attributes to different values depending on the current game level. 正如例8-2所示,我们使用条件语句来根据当前的游戏等级来初始化人的属性。
As shown in Figure 1 I have always found that the best way to do so is to left-justify edit fields, or in other words make the left-hand side of each edit field line up in a straight line, one over the other. 如图1所示,我经常发现最好的办法是左对齐可编辑区域,换句话说使得左手边的每个编辑区域对齐于一条直线,一个接一个。
As shown in Figure 1-11, each isolated Form A relay has two terminals. 如图1-11所示,每个隔离的A型继电器有两个接线端子。
As shown in the example, the analysis results of the early testing method and convent ional method are extremely approximative. 实例分析表明,该方法在缩短关井时间的同时,分析结果更接近于常规分析和图版拟合的结果,能够相对精确地获得各层的地层参数。

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