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Mere words (ie Words without acts) won't help.

Mere colour, however, is for unsophisticated GetWord(unsophisticated); [2] lovers. 然而,颜色之美只能取悦那些初涉尘世的恋人。
Mere colour, however, is for unsophisticated[2] lovers. 然而,颜色之美只能取悦那些初涉尘世的恋人。
Mere good looks, as such, will not take you far. 仅仅凭长相漂亮未必就有前途。
Mere personal effort is futile. 单凭个人努力是无效果的。
Mere vendor certification of software suitability is inadequate. 只有供应商的软件适合性证书是不够的。
Mere words (ie Words without acts) won't help. 光说(不做)无济于事.
Mere words would not quell the burning need to understand that universe within the guitar as perceived by this self-effacing master. 单单文字的说明并不能解除我对了解吉他里整个宇宙的渴望,这个宇宙如同眼前这位非常谦逊的大师所体悟的境界一样。
Merely 10 years ago, most people took for granted that the public sector would finance these three necessities. 仅仅在10年前,大多数人都认为国家会理所当然的提供这三种必需品。
Merely by taking the job, Mr Blair has stepped on the toes of all the other Middle East envoys, not least Michael Williams, the UN envoy, and Javier Solana, the EU's foreign-policy supremo. 仅仅接受这份工作,就已经触怒了其它所有中东特使,不止是联合国特别协调员迈克尔·威廉斯,还有欧盟外交政策最高领导人哈维尔·索拉纳·马达里亚加。
Merely deleting these files may corrupt the Software. 仅仅删除这些文档可能造成软件受损。
Merengue is now said to be the most popular dance music in all of Latin America. 据说,梅伦格是目前拉美各国最流行的舞曲。

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