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A: Never. I like dangerous sports such as hang gliding and white-water canoeing .

A: My! That's awfully early, isn't it? 哎呀!那可真早,不是吗?
A: NO! Don't go see Dr. Reagan. He's a quack! He has no idea what he's doing! 别去找里根医生看病,他是个江湖骗子,连他自己都不知在做什么。
A: NO, I'm from out of town. 不,我是从外地来的。
A: Nancy, would you like to join me at the English corner tonight? 南希,你今晚跟我去英语角好吗?
A: Never trust your secrets to Bob. 别向鲍勃吐露秘密。
A: Never. I like dangerous sports such as hang gliding and white-water canoeing . 从来不打,我喜欢像悬挂式滑翔和激流冲浪那类运动。
A: Next time I will do it right. (下一次我会把它做好。)
A: Next time he gives speech I'll ask you to come along. 下一次他做演讲的时候,我会邀你同去。
A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Hudson. Please have a seat. I'll give you an introduction about our company and our products. 非常感谢。看过您们公司的产品目录,我对您们的经营范围印象深刻,尤其是您们生产的种类多样的机械工具。我相信我们的客户会喜欢您们的新产品。
A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Walker. 见到你很高兴,沃克先生。
A: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Smith. I am coming here for an interview by appointment. 很高兴见到你,史密斯女士。我是应约来面试的。

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