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In the costume portion of this class students are made familiar with basic shop terminology and construction skills.

In the core, Coriolis forces deflect the upwelling fluid along corkscrewlike, or helical, paths, as though it were following the spiraling wire of a loose spring. 在地核中,科氏力使涌升的流体沿著像开酒瓶器的螺旋路线上升,彷佛顺著弹簧的螺旋线圈移动。
In the cork workshop, the workers fork the pork. 在软木车间,工人们用叉子叉猪肉.
In the corner of meal \ drawing room , find that a young girl is drinking coffee alone, there are three seats by that girl , think who she may be waiting for? 在餐\厅的一角,妳发现有个年轻女孩正一个人喝着咖啡,那个女孩的旁边有三个座位,妳认为她可能在等谁?
In the corner we usually place a garbage pail. 在角落里通常有一个垃圾桶。
In the corporate spirit of Collaboration, Factualism, Initiative and Innovation and under the guidance of modern marketing philosophy, we employ advanced enterprise management practices and solid strengths in funds and technology to develop the fine proce 我们以“协作、求实、进取、创新”为企业精神,以现代营销理论为指导,运用先进的企业管理模式和雄厚的资金及技术力量,不仅使水产品的精深加工得以大力发展,也使公司的龙头产品在国际市场上永远保持良好的声誉。
In the costume portion of this class students are made familiar with basic shop terminology and construction skills. 通过本课程的服装部分,学生将熟悉基本的工艺术语和制作技能。
In the costume portion of this class, students are made familiar with basic shop terminology and construction skills. 在本课程的服装部分,学生将熟悉基本的工艺术语和制作技能。
In the cotton cloth, there is fine pure cotton twill, pure cotton khaki cloth, middle-long adhered polyester fiber cloth, polyester-cotton blended fine cloth, polyester and cotton shantung, T/R drill corduroy, etc. 棉布有纯棉细斜纹布、纯棉纱卡其布、涤粘中长布、涤棉细布、涤棉府绸、华达呢、涤粘卡其、灯芯绒等。
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. 在政府各部门,我们必须警惕军事─工业联合体取得无法证明是正当的影响力,不论它这样追求与否。
In the counting system, a semiconductor laser emitter is used as the light source, point laser beam produced by optic system, reflection of part transferred into electric signal by photoelectric triode, and SCM system as the counter. 采用半导体激光发射器作为光源,经过光学系统形成的最小激光束照射器件,反射光由光电三极管进行光电转换,计数控制使用单片机系统。
In the countries of continental Europe and those areas influenced by them, the governing law dates back to Roman law and is known as the civil law system. 在欧洲大陆国家和受它们影响的地区,目前适用的法律可追溯到罗马法,被称为大陆法系统。

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