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According to testing results on absorbability of magnetic wheel under different conditions, the designed magnetic wheels can adapt to bad working environment.

According to study, students should read the original works carefully, which , on the one hand, can improve ours language level, and on the other hand, can deepen our comprehension, especially the comprehension of the social life and people's emotions ref 通过学习,既提高了语言水平,又增强了对英美文学原著的理解,特别是对作品中表现的社会生活和人物感情的理解,并进一步提高了对文学作品的阅读能力和鉴赏水平。
According to such provisions,is it possible to violate the general principle of res judicate? 根据这些条款,是否可能违反“一事不再理”的原则?
According to surgical principle that all of the necrotic soft tissues and the dead bones should be excised, classical reconstruction of the scalp and skull 15 performed after thorough debridement or sequestration of the necrotic bone, However, they induce 依据处理创伤的外科准则,所有坏死的软组织甚至骨头都必须清除,所以常规对于此类头皮及颅骨伤口的治疗是以手术清除包括颅骨的所有坏死组织,或以抗生素照护伤口等其坏死组织慢慢剥落后再进行重建。
According to synthesize evaluate, the distributary channel sandbodies and river mouth bars are best reservoir. 通过综合评价认为,水下分流河道和河口砂坝微相为本区最好的储集层。
According to temperature, pressure, and chemical evolution of mineral crystallization in the magma chamber, it is held that the magma of intrusive rocks ascended rather fast and was emplaced at the relatively shallow place. 据岩浆房中矿物结晶时的温度和压力条件、矿物的结晶特征及演化趋势,推测岩浆上升速度较快,侵位较浅。
According to testing results on absorbability of magnetic wheel under different conditions, the designed magnetic wheels can adapt to bad working environment. 不同条件下的吸附力测试表明,设计的磁轮能够适应恶劣工况。
According to that definition, Never tickle a sleeping dragonis to represent Hogwarts as an institution. 鉴于它的定义,“千万不要打扰熟睡的龙”所代表的就是霍格沃茨魔法学校。
According to that fashion magazine, out is black dress this winter. 据那家时尚杂志预测,今冬黑色服饰不会流行.
According to that investigation results,anaylsis is conducted on processing situation and existed problems of bamboo and shoot, countermeasures for future development is put forward. 本文根据调查数据,分析福建省笋竹加工现状、存在问题,提出今后的发展对策。
According to that policy document, North Korea probably has assembled one or two nuclear weapons and is believed to have conducted an aerial blast test, a step that could precede an actual nuclear weapons test. 根据白皮书,朝鲜可能已经装配了一道两枚核武器,还进行了一次空中爆破试验,这是进行实际核武器试验的前奏。
According to the Food Ingredients Analysispublished by the Nutrition Department of the Chinese Central Health Research Institute, pickle contains nutrition including protein, carrot, thiamin, lactoflavin, ascorbic acid, carbohydrate, fat, crude fiber, ino 据中央卫生研究院营养系出版的《食物成份表》记载:榨菜含蛋白质、胡萝卜、硫胺、核黄素、抗坏血酸、醣、脂肪、粗纤维、无机盐及谷氨酸、天门冬氨酸、丙迄酸等17种游离氨基酸等人体所必需的营养成份,对增进身体健康十分有益。

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