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All fungi are eukaryotic organisms, and each fungal cell has at least one nucleus and nuclear membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and secretory apparatus.

All four varieties tested did not produce multiple shoot clumps on the type A inductive medium. 在A型诱导培养基上,四个玉米品系芽尖均不能形成丛生芽。
All freight, shipping and delivery costs incurred in forwarding a new water heater or replacement part(s) to the Owner. 发运新的热水器或更换配件所产生的所有运费,装运和送达费用。
All fuel cells generate electricity by producing and controlling a flow of electrons. 所有燃料电池都是靠产生和控制电子流动来发电的。
All full-time employees get a one-hour lunch break. 所有全职员工有一小时午休时间。
All functions and methods defined in this module are equivalent to the C functions with ALprefixed to their name. 本模组所定义的所有函数及方法和C中以AL前缀的同名函数是等价的。
All fungi are eukaryotic organisms, and each fungal cell has at least one nucleus and nuclear membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and secretory apparatus. 真菌是真核生物,含有核、核膜、内质网、线粒体和分泌装置。
All gains are made at some sacrifice. 一切收获都是来自牺牲。
All galaxies emit (give off) energy as waves of visible light and other kinds of electromagnetic radiation. 所有的星系都以可见光及其他类型的电磁辐射的方式向外发射能量。
All games on 9haowan.cn are copyrighted or trademarked by their respective owners or authors. 本站所有小游戏均来自互连网,版权归作者所有。
All games were played in three stadiums in Montevideo and, as expected, the South American countries dominated, although the European teams did not disgrace themselves. 所有比赛均在蒙得维的亚三个露天大型运动场举行,正如人们所预料的那样,(在比赛中)南美国家占绝对优势,但欧洲队也没丢脸。
All gas line joints shall be orbital welded except those connecting to valves. 所有气体管路的连接采用无缝焊接。

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