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Kerrianne Cox, the conference speaker, says the extent of the problem has gone too far and it's time for it to stop.

Kerneos is the world leader in the research, production and valorization of calcium aluminate specialty mineral binders and reactants to the dry mix mortar industry. 林栋经理:凯诺斯铝酸盐公司在铝酸盐的科研和生产中,以及把铝酸盐作为特种矿物胶凝材料和添加剂的干粉砂浆领域,都处于世界领导地位。
Kerneos main products like Fondu and Ternal White have already gained high reputation from the various local and international companies operating in China. 产品被广泛应用于干混砂浆,土木工程,矿井,和其它应用的混凝土和砂浆领域。
Kerosene Testing—When specified for special service valves, Pacific Valves can perform hydrostatic shell and seat closure testing using kerosene in lieu of water. 煤油检测—对于特殊应用的阀门,如果用户指定,美国太平洋阀门可以采用煤油代替水对阀门进行流体静力学壳体和阀座压缩检测。
Kerosene is a by-product of petroleum refining. 煤油是提炼石油的副产品。
Kerr-McGee China Petroleum Ltd. has been in China for over 10 years and achieved great success in exploration and production along with successful cooperation with Chinese partner China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC) particular in Cao Fei Dian Boha 科麦奇中国公司在华经营十余年,作为中国海洋石油总公司的合作伙伴,成功地在渤海湾的曹妃甸油田进行了油气勘探和生产。
Kerrianne Cox, the conference speaker, says the extent of the problem has gone too far and it's time for it to stop. 会议演讲者可伦可思说,这个问题已经恶化到不行,必须要停止了。
Kerrigan:I can hardly believe this! You've killed your own matriarch! 我真不敢相信!你杀了你的领导者!
Kerry Dixon - Terrorizes snake and kills it, adding yet another to his vast tally for Chelsea. 迪克逊――威胁并且杀死了蛇,使自己在切尔西又多了一项丰功伟绩。
Kerry Ha on, a research scientist in the Department of Chemistry at UCR, said that su cree do an excellent job protecting agai t su urn(8) when used correctly. 加州大学河滨分校化学系研究员克里。汉森说防晒霜在正确使用的情况下能出色地完成保护我们不被晒黑的工作。
Kerry Hanson, a research scientist in the Department of Chemistry at UCR, said that sunscreens do an excellent job protecting against sunburn(8) when used correctly. 加州大学河滨分校化学系研究员克里.汉森说防晒霜在正确使用的情况下能出色地完成保护我们不被晒黑的工作。
Kerry has proposed expanding the military by two active-duty divisions. 克里指责布什总统“判断不佳”,并且说,美国部队已经捉襟见肘。

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