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At the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, he teaches both classical piano and jazz improvisation.

At the U-Chiu GMP Works at Hsin-wu, a total Q.C. system is implemented such that a rigorous Q.C. cycle is there to intervene way from the incoming material inspection to ensure quality conformities, warehousing, production, inspection of finished products 五洲制药新屋GMP厂,推行全面品管制度,每一项药品从原料入厂核用、生产制造、成品放行到包装标签印制,皆须纳入严密的品质管制系统中,以保证药品的安定性、有效性与安全性。
At the U.N.'s Vienna headquarters, diplomats say Mr. ElBaradei now has his eyes on the post of U.N. Secretary-General, as the possible successor to Kofi Annan. 在联合国维也纳总部,外交官们说艾巴拉迪现在有意争取联合国秘书长一职,作为柯飞?安南可能的继任者。
At the United Nations General Assembly, the UN reaffirmed its commitment to an independent sovereign state in Palestine and gave the PLO observer status at the United Nations. 联合国大会重申了同意在巴勒斯坦土地上建立一个独立的主权国家,给予巴解组织联合国观察员地位。
At the United Nations, delegates observed a moment of silence. 在联合国,代表们进行了默哀。
At the University Health Clinic in Seattle, Washington, Patrick Donovan, ND, tells of toxic components in daily living which increase an individual's susceptibility to cancer, stroke, cardiovascular illness, diabetes, free radical activity, and many other 在位于西雅图,华盛顿,达科他州的大学诊所里帕特里克多诺万每天都讲述一些毒素知识,以增加学员对癌症,中风,心脏血管疾病,糖尿病,自由基活动以及其它退化现象的认识。
At the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, he teaches both classical piano and jazz improvisation. 之后,他回到美国著名的音乐学府朱莉亚音乐学院深造。
At the University of Oklahoma, new policies went into effect after a 19-year-old student died in 2004. He had been drinking heavily at a fraternity party. 在O州大学,自从一名十九岁学生死于2004年,新的政策开始发挥作用。这个学生的死于他在大学兄弟会上饮酒过量有关。
At the University of South Australia, we not only understand the aspirations and career development needs of highly motivated engineers and technologists in the manufacturing sector, we also realize that one of the most effective ways for corporations to 在南澳大、我们不仅意识到制造业部门的高度自我激励的工程师与技术人员对于职业发展需要的渴望,我们更了解为保持公司的全球竞争力,最为有效的方式之一便是通过企业高层员工的独创性与专业的战略管理来达到。
At the University of Utah, Barney Clark, becomes the first person to receive a permanent artificial heart. 1982年,在犹他大学,巴尼·克拉克成为首位接受永久人造心脏的人类。
At the Vatican Pope Benedict spoke about the world's children during the traditional midnight mass. 在梵蒂冈,主教本尼迪克特在传统的子夜弥撒时大声说“世界的儿童”。
At the Welcoming Feast, Harry and his friends will meet their new DADA teacher, find out if both Firenze and Trelawney will teach Divination, and hear a new Sorting Hat song. 在欢迎宴会上,哈利和他的伙伴们将见到他们的新黑魔法防御术教师,查明费伦泽和特里劳妮会不会一同教占卜课,还会听到新的分院帽之歌。

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