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Sole creed of Weikang Creature is to treat helping others as greatest pleasure.

Soldiers who fraternize with the enemy will be punished. 亲敌的士兵将受到惩罚.
Soldiers would come face to face with one another to fight. 军人们会面对面捉对廝杀。
Soldiers, installed in a new complaints centre, listen to public grievances and send out vigilante missions to tackle everything from village quarrels to landlord-tenant difficulties and domestic disputes. 士兵被安置到新的信访中心,听取公众的抱怨并派遣警员代表前去处理,从邻里纠纷到户主与房客问题以及国内纷争都包括在内。
Soldiers, installed in a new complaints centre, listen to public grievances and send out vigilante[5] missions to tackle everything from village quarrels to landlord-tenant difficulties and domestic disputes. 士兵在新设立的投诉中心任职,负责听取民众投诉,并派出治安人员去处理一切事务,如乡间争吵、房东与房客纠纷等等不一而足。
Soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force, you are about to embark[1] upon the great crusade towards which we have striven these many months. 各位联合远征军的海陆空战士们:你们马上就要踏上征程去进行一场伟大的圣战,为此我们已精心准备了数月。
Sole creed of Weikang Creature is to treat helping others as greatest pleasure. 伟康生物的唯一信念是枣助人为乐!
Sole fillet baked in a pumpkin with healthful multicolor vegetables and a rich, creamy, nutty sauce. 龙俐鱼在南瓜中煎烤,点缀着营养健康、色彩丰富的蔬菜和浓厚、奶油味和果仁味十足的酱料。
Solebay Shipping Ltd. shall be converted into a large-scale international and comprehensive logistic and industrial corporation group from a Chinese tramp shipping player in terms of uniform service flow and standard business system. 将恬吉海运有限公司从一个中国的散货操作者角色建成按照统一的服务标准流程和规范体系运作的,国际化、综合性的大型物流工贸企业集团。
Solectron Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd is located in Suzhou Industrial Park, China. 旭电(苏州)科技有限公司成立于1996年3月,厂址设于苏州工业园区内。
Solectron offer its customers competitive outsourcing advantages such as access to advanced manufacturing technologies, shortened product time-to-market, reduced cost of production and more effective asset utilization. 旭电能够为客户提供,领先的设计与制造技术、缩短产品市场供应周期、降低产品成本以及更加有效的资产优化等极具竞争性的外包服务。
SolectronShanghaiDesignCenter as well as Asia &Pacific regional headquarters were founded in Feb. of 2005, located in Shanghai, closer to Zhangjiang Subway Station. 旭电上海研发中心,及旭电亚太区总部成立于2005年2月,位于上海张江高科技园区,紧邻张江地铁站。

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