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You need the equipment to do it.

You need perseverance to win in politics and I doubt if he can go the distance. 在政治上, 需要矢志不移才能取胜, 我怀疑他能否坚持到底.
You need some hands on experience so you can bring these ideas out of space and into reality. 你需要建立在经验之上的技术以便于你能把这些思想从纸上谈兵提升到现实。
You need some new electric light bulbs. Both of these bulbs are burned out. 你需要一些新灯泡,这两个灯泡已经烧坏了。
You need space, so you escape to beautiful hideaways, but you are not a loner. 你需要空间,因此你会逃到美丽的藏身之处,但却不因此而成为一个孤独的人。
You need the additional nested for loop to handle the extra dimension. The syntax for still higher dimensions is similar. Just add another pair of brackets and another dimension. 你可以增加套嵌循环来扩展维数,而且更高维数的数组的定义与之类似。仅仅是增加一对框架(??)以及一个维数。
You need the equipment to do it. 都需要相应的“家伙”。
You need the former to allocate (or delegate) the task; you need the latter to finish the planning. 接着,你需要遵循一定模式来分配(委派)任务,晚一些再完成整个计划。
You need the kind of advanced guidance that inspires vision and helps you discover superior insight and achieve unparalleled results. 你需要先进的指导,去激励你开阔视野,帮助你获取敏锐的洞察力,取得空前无可比拟的成就。
You need the patience af a saint for this job. 做这种工作,你得有非常人般的耐性。
You need the patience of a saint for this job. 做这种工作,你得有圣人般的好耐性。
You need the services of a doctor. 你需要医生的服务。

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