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Both emperors pronounced panegyrics for their father from the Rostra, and they appointed a flamen for him chosen from their own kinsmen and a college of Aurelian priests55 from their closest friends.

Both economic rationality and irrationality have achieved dialectical unity and can complement each other. 从经济哲学层面分析,经济理性与经济非理性辩证统一,相辅相成。
Both effects are demonstrated with the help of empirical research survey. 并结合实证研究分别予以佐证。
Both effects together help to reduce the risk of clogged arteries and veins, the primary cause of heart infarction and stroke. 两种作用一同帮助降低动脉和静脉阻塞的危险,动脉和静脉阻塞是心脏梗塞的的主要原因。
Both efforts got bogged down to the point where they had to be abandoned and restarted later. 所有的努力都陷入困境,它们必须被放弃,随后再重新开始。
Both elements are signs of increasing globalization, it said. 报告指出,这两大因素标志着全球化的不断加速。
Both emperors pronounced panegyrics for their father from the Rostra, and they appointed a flamen for him chosen from their own kinsmen and a college of Aurelian priests55 from their closest friends. 两位皇帝在讲坛上对他们的父亲发表了赞辞,并且在他们的亲戚中为他任命了一个祭司,另一个来自奥里利安的一个祭司团,从他们的亲密朋友中挑选(55)。
Both engines full astern! 双车退三!
Both engines half ahead! 双车进二!
Both engines half astern! 双车退二!
Both engines slow ahead! 双车进一!
Both engines slow astern! 双车退一!

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