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Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic.

Perhaps it is no surprise that gays find a hip city like New York hospitable. 同性恋者觉得纽约这样的时髦都市态度友好,这或许并不惊奇。
Perhaps it is not for this reviewer to talk, since he produced a book on Johnson himself, but as the girl said, it was only a little one a wicked publisher seduced me, and I have promised never, never to do it again. 也许不该由这位评论家来说,因为他本人也出版了一本关于约翰逊的书,但是正如那位少女所说的,那并不是什么大不了的事,是一个缺德的出版商诱惑我,而且我答应永远、永远再不做这种事了。
Perhaps it is not surprising to see Howard Gardner quoting him approvingly. 看到霍华德?加德纳非常赞成地援引他的这番话,或许并不令人惊讶。
Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those ays, that i felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss. 也许这只是我自己的一种怪诞想法,在那样的时代,这想法对我影响很深;我觉得这像大多数人一样的生活,似乎欠缺了一点儿什么。
Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those days, that I felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss. 也许这只是我自己的一种怪诞想法,在那样的时代,这想法对我影响很深:我觉得这像大多数人一样的生活,似乎欠缺了一点儿什么。
Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic. 也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。
Perhaps it is something that JKR will elucidate in time. 不过那就是另一篇文章的题材了。
Perhaps it is somewhat exceptional in my case, since I have a full and successful career of my own. 和别人不太一样地地方,大概就是我自己有个成功地事业。
Perhaps it is that mix of the vulnerable, the stylish and the homespun which makes her such a fans' favourite. 也许正是这种敏感、时尚和朴实的交融使她成为如此受影迷欢迎的女演员。
Perhaps it is the older parts of the city: narrow streets of damp gray stone that lean and wander with a European air. 也许是因为这个城市古老的一面,带着欧洲气息的狭窄的街道,潮湿、青色的石径蜿蜒向前。
Perhaps it is time for those of us who once aspired to follow in the footsteps of the developed world to come upon our own age of reason. 也许对于我们当中曾一度渴望仿效发达国家的人们来说,现在应该是独立判断事物的时候了。

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