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This is football, pitiless and fascinating, because it can tip over established grades.

This is final GF &DM, voive language has changed, all japanese speaking! 这是最终的GF和DM,配音语言已改变,全部说日语!
This is financial report for this year. 这是今年的财务报表。
This is first time has the contestant to attempt at the Winter Olympic Games throws all around jumps this stunner, what a pity they have not succeeded. 这是第一次有选手在冬奥会上尝试抛四周跳这一高难度动作,可惜他们没有成功。
This is first-rate beer! 这是第一流的啤酒!
This is followed by culture. 其次才是文化。
This is football, pitiless and fascinating, because it can tip over established grades. 这就是足球,残酷无情而又令人沉迷其中,因为它可以打破任何固定模式。
This is for fighting ! this is for fun ! 作战之用!享乐之用!
This is for oral administration. 这是口服药。
This is for our grandchildren and the children of the world. 这是为了我们的子子孙孙们及全世界的儿童们。
This is for reducing the fever. 这个是用来退烧的。
This is for small family farmers! 这拳是为小型家庭式农夫打的!

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