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Abstract: Combined with fundamental characteristics of in-situ leaching mining,this paper presents primary factors influencing the reation rates,such as lixivant concentration,oxidizer,porosity,permeability,seepage volocity,structure of ore,minerals of co

Abstract: Climatic characteristics of the first heavy rainfall over the eastern Sanxia region in spring have been analyzed by using sixteen-year NMC data and OLR observations. 文摘:应用16年NMC常规资料和卫星OLR资料,分析了三峡东区春季首次强降水的气候特征。
Abstract: Clonidine has been used as a central antihypertensive drug long since, but it is beginning to apply to clinical anethesia and analgesia. 文摘:可乐定作为中枢性降压药早为人们所认识,但在临床麻醉镇痛的应用上则起步不久。
Abstract: Closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation for 10 years in Qingyuan indicated that closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation not only played a positive role in consolidating achievement of wild hill afforestation improving structure of st 文摘:庆元县近10年封山育林工作表明:封山育林不仅在巩固荒山绿化成果,改善林分结构,提高森林覆盖率等方面起着积极的作用,更是建设比较完善林业生态体系的根本途径。
Abstract: Coal industry is an industry of high risk.To lower the prevalence of accident and to raise the safety level are the target that safety researchers assiduously seek for. 文摘:煤炭行业属于高危险性行业,降低其事故发生率,提高安全生产水平是煤炭工作者孜孜以求的目标。
Abstract: College rear service is an affiliated industry brought along by education. 文摘:学校后勤是教育带动起来的“附属业”。
Abstract: Combined with fundamental characteristics of in-situ leaching mining,this paper presents primary factors influencing the reation rates,such as lixivant concentration,oxidizer,porosity,permeability,seepage volocity,structure of ore,minerals of co 文摘:结合原地浸出工艺的特点,总结提出了影响原地浸出反应速率的主要因素,并就溶浸剂浓度、氧化剂、孔隙度、渗透系数、渗透速度,矿石的结构、构造及矿物的嵌布特征,竞争矿物等对原地浸出反应的影响进行了分析与讨论。
Abstract: Combining the Tenth Five_Year Plan of Tianjin Telecommunication, the paper states some problems relating to the planning of the local telephone switching network in the new period, such as the situation that was faced for the telecommunication n 文摘:结合天津电信“十五”规划的编制,阐述了在新时期本地电话交换网规划中所涉及的几个问题,如电信网面临的形势和规划中需要解决的重大课题、电话业务持续发展的问题及由窄带网向宽带网过渡的问题等等。
Abstract: Comparative study on physiological traits of drought r esistance for go od quality bread wheat cultivar Yanyou 361 was performed under dryland condition . 文摘:对优质冬小麦品种烟优361在旱地条件下的抗旱生理特性进行了比较研究。
Abstract: Compared the accuracy of the digital terain models enlarged form the air photographs kept in stock, pointed out the reliability and frugality of the computerizing optimum choosing route in surveying and designing the expressway, and proved the f 文摘:比较了利用现成航摄像片以小放大数字化成图的精度,并指出了其在高速公路勘测设计中计算机优化选线的可靠性及经济性;同时也论证了两步选择最优化线路的可行性及其对高速公路建设投资的影响和决策。
Abstract: Compared with the normal technique the paper introduces many advantages of the laser quenching the ductile iron crankshaft. 文摘:介绍了激光淬火球铁曲轴与常规的曲轴表面处理方法相比有许多优点,提出了一种激光淬火球铁曲轴圆角部分扫描的新方法。
Abstract: Comparision is made between the characteristics of recovered WCand conventional WC by clectronic probe detection.In view of perfect crystal lization,less defect in the crystal and sufficient compound carbon,cemented carbide superior to conventio 文摘:用电子探针检测手段对比了回收碳化钨和一般碳化钨的不同特性,从回收碳化钨具有结晶完整、晶内缺陷少、化合碳充足等优良性能出发,用工艺优化手段弥补回收碳化钨氧含量高、夹杂物多等缺点,试制出了性能优于用一般碳化钨生产的硬质合金。

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