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The wedding ring is probably the oldest and most widespread symbol of marriage.

The wedding got massive media coverage. 婚礼得到大众传播媒介的广泛报道。
The wedding is supposed to be Saturday. 婚礼预计在星期六举行。
The wedding of Yao and Ye, a former Chinese National Team player and current University of Houston student, attracted huge media attention in China. 姚明和叶莉的婚礼引起中国媒体的高度关注。曾为国家女篮队员的叶莉现在休斯敦大学读书。
The wedding party enters the church while the wedding march[1] is played. 婚礼一行人伴着结婚进行曲进入教堂。
The wedding procession moved slowly down the aisle. 婚礼的队伍在过道间缓慢走过。
The wedding ring is probably the oldest and most widespread symbol of marriage. 结婚戒指也许是最古老的并广泛被认为是婚姻的象征。
The wedding took place yesterday. 昨天举行了婚礼。
The wedding was a fiasco! There wasn't enough food, it started raining, and the bride fainted just before the ceremony! 那场婚礼真是大失败!食物不够吃、下雨,而且新娘子在典礼开始前就昏倒了!
The wedding was a sauce to the monotony of rural life. 那场婚礼对于单调的乡村生活是一个调剂。
The wedding was a very ,low-key affair. 婚礼办得毫不招摇.
The wedding was a very grand affair. 那婚礼是件盛事.

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