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3 The Seller has no right to entrust the third party to execute the obligations under the Present contract.

3 The Licensee shall use all reasonable endeavors to maintain the quality and the reputation of and the goodwill associated with the Trademarks and to prevent their falling into disrepute and shall take all technical and other precautions necessary in the 4被许可方应尽其合理的努力以保持商标的品质,声誉以及相关的商誉,并阻止本商标声誉败坏,应在其经许可允许使用的期间内采取必要的技术以及其他预防措施以在最大的合理限度内对本商标的任何侵权行为及/或对本商标以及相关的商誉的损害。
3 The Marsh Funnel (Viscometer) is used for routine viscosity determinations. 马氏漏斗用作日常泥浆浓度的测定。
3 The Permit Holder shall deposit with the Director 3 sets of 1 to 1000 scale layout drawings showing the works boundaries, drainage channel, ancillary road alignments and any other facilities assessed in the EIA Report; the locations of environmental mit 许可证持有人须向署长存放下列文件,计有:3套1:1000比例的设计规划图则,显示工程界线、排水道、附属道路的路线及环评报告所评估的任何其他设施;环评报告所建议的环境缓解措施的地点;以及一份解释说明。
3 The Permit Holder shall install proper site drainage system and petrol interceptor on the project site before operation of the temporary bus depot. 在临时巴士车厂营运之前,许可证持有人须在工程地点装妥下水道系统和燃油隔滤装置。
3 The Permit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval within a month of the operation of the Projects a proposal to monitor the avifauna use of the constructed channel and implement the approved monitoring proposal. 许可证持有人须在工程项目运作的一个月内,向署长提交一个监察在已建造渠道上鸟类活动的建议,供署长批准,以及执行获得批准的监察建议。
3 The Seller has no right to entrust the third party to execute the obligations under the Present contract. 卖方没有权利委托第三方执行本合同的义务。
3 The Seller is to send the full set of the originals of the above-mentioned documents on the 15th day, starting from the date of Bill of lading for every consignment by DHL or TNT, in case in the 80 % of the total value of every consignment is transferre 在买方已经将余下的款项汇入卖方帐户并将银行确认书发给买方的情况下,卖方应在15天之内将上面所提到的文件的正本DHL或TNT给买方,以提单上的日期为准。
3 The Seller should inform the Buyer about any alterations in payment properties in advance. 如果款项有任何改动,卖方都应该提前通知买方。
3 The Strait of Malacca lies between Malaysia and Sumatra. 马六甲海峡位于马来西亚和苏门答腊之间.
3 The Supplier will submit to the Company a supply progress schedule showing clearly the total number of sleeves planned to be in progress at any stage of the manufacturing process within the entire timeframe envisaged for completing the order. 供应商将向公司提交一份供货进度表,明确说明在设想完成订单供货的整个时间框架内在任何制造工序上计划正在制造的套管总数量。
3 The architect may say the client will not ask for a ZED brief in new projects, so that all he can do is to keep designing to existing industry standards, and anyway no-one will pay for the increased design time that comes with innovation. 建筑师可能会讲,客户没有要求新建项目采用零能耗开发,因此他要做的就是按照现有标准进行设计,而且没有人会掏钱弥补变革所额外花费的设计时间。

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