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Aye is Scottish for yes. It is also used in navy/ military jargon where it means affirmative. 意思是苏格兰语的“是”。也是军事用语中“遵命”的意思。在现实生活中用的并不多。
Aye, I won it all and went away!” 赞成,我赢得了所有与它出门!
Aye, aye, sir, I know your worship loves no holiday speeches. 是,是,长官。我知道长官不喜欢听奉承话。
Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. 对,打仗,你们可能会死。逃跑,你们能活下去,至少能多活几天。
Aye, the lifeblood of a city. It ebbs and flows the same on any plane! 海尔达利:唉,城市的血脉人潮,在每个世界都一样鼓动奔流!
Aye,Sir! 是,长官!
Ayers, Edward. The Promise of the New South: Life After Reconstruction. 1992. 《新南方的承诺:南北战争后的生活》1992.
Aylmer takes his wife as his own property and reduces her to a sex object and an artifact of his own creation. 而乔治亚娜也已将男权机制内化,实现了自我物化,因此她间接充当了这一杀妻事件的帮凶。
Az turned him into this monstrous surface to answer his rude call. 而阿兹则将他变成了这个怪物般的身形以回应他的召唤。
Azam Azam, an Israeli citizen, was imprisoned in Egypt in 1996, accused of espionage. 1996年,以色列公民阿扎姆·阿扎姆在埃及受到间谍罪指控,被判下狱。
Azar T, Berger D. Adult intussusception. Ann Surg, 1997,226:1344. 黄迅.成人肠套叠43例临床分析.北京医科大学学报,1993,10:123.

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